
The Act: [ID] page provides details on the account selected from the Accounts page. Use the Act: [ID] page to review the outstanding balance summary, transaction activity, and collection activity on a guarantor account. 

It is comprised of 6 tabs:

The Notes tab allows you to preview and enter additional information on an account or case.

Use the Notes tab to review and record correspondence or other communication with payers or guarantors on an account or case. Notes can also be used to enter informational messages for other users as references to any actions taken or any follow-up that is needed.

Some notes are system-generated based on a user action. For example, financial reassignments are recorded from the action taken on the account's Active AR tab using the Roll To button. The information entered in the Notes section of the Responsible for Balance section is recorded on the Notes tab.

Notes cannot be edited or deleted.

Notes can be copied to a clipboard by placing your cursor in the Note field and pressing CTRL + C.

If notes have been recorded on a case or account, the case's Notes tab and the account's Notes tab have a red label.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  1. Click Accounts from the Manage list.
  2. Search for an account.
  3. Double-click an account to open the Act: [ID] page.
  4. Click the Notes tab.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Accounts.
  2. Search for an account.
  3. Double-click an account to open the Act: [ID] page.
  4. Click the Notes tab.
  1. Press [Alt] + [M] + [A].
  2. Search for an account.
  3. Double-click an account to open the Act: [ID] page.
  4. Click the Notes tab.


Field Definitions





Filters  Section


Allows the list of claims to be filtered by Type. The dropdown list can be used to limit the account notes displayed by type: Account, Case, Collection, Payment, Refund.




YesThe date and time the note was saved.


NoThis note was entered on the Notes tab of the indicated case, or designated as a Case note with a Case ID associated with it. Click the hyperlink to open the applicable Case: [ID] page.

Display Only

(pulled from created Notes)


The text of the note.


Display Only

(pulled from created Notes)


The Note Type assigned during creation of the note. Options include:

  • Account
  • Case
  • Collection
  • Payment
  • Refund
Created By


YesThe person who created the note.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Search[Alt] + [E]To find a note.
  1. Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.
Create[Alt] + [T]

To add a note to the account.

Creating Account Notes
Print[Alt] + [P]To print the account notes.
  1. From the Act: [ID] > Notes tab, click Print. The Account [ID] Notes report opens.
  2. Use the toolbar to save, print, or review the report.

All notes listed in the tab are printed.

  • No labels