The Update Person page provides details on the person (patient) selected.
It is comprised of 4 tabs:
The Address History tab is used to review the address history of a patient, guarantor, or subscriber.
Field Definitions
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Current | Checkbox | No | Indicates whether the address is currently active. A checkmark is present on the current address. Only one address can be active at a time. |
Returned | Display Only (pulled from accounts flagged for returned mail) | No | Indicates whether the account is flagged for returned mail. A checkmark is present if the account is flagged for returned mail. This box is unchecked if the account is not flagged for returned mail. |
Address 1 | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | Yes | Displays line 1 of the person's address. |
Address 2 | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | No | Displays line 2 of the person's address. |
City | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | Yes | Displays the city the person's address is located in. |
State | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | Yes | Displays the state the person's address is located in. If the address is international, this column is blank. |
Zip Code | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | Yes | Displays the postal code recorded on the person. |
Intl | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | No | Indicates whether the address is an international address. This box is unchecked if the address is not international. |
Province | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | No | Displays the province the person's address is located in. This column only applies to international addresses and is blank otherwise. |
Country | Display Only (pulled from address entered on the Person Information tab) | No | Displays the country the person's address is located in. This column only applies to international address and is blank otherwise. |
Created by | Read-only (system-generated upon creation of the address) | Yes | Displays the person who created the person record. |
Created | Read-only (system-generated upon creation of the address) | Yes | Displays the date the person record was created. |
Updated By | Read-only (system-generated upon update of the address) | No | Displays the person who updated the person record. |
Updated | Read-only (system-generated upon update of the address) | Yes | Displays the date the person record was updated. |
Button Descriptions
Button | Shortcut Keys | Description | Step-By-Step Guides |
Load Address | [Alt] + [L] | To change the current address to a previously used address. |