
The Update Person page provides details on the person (patient) selected.

It is comprised of 4 tabs:

Use the Appointment History tab to review the appointments scheduled via Front Office for this patient. The information presented on this tab is read-only. Updates to it must be made via Front Office.

Via Account:

From the Act: [ID] / Patient List tab:
  1. From the Act: [ID] / Patient List tab, click the Patient List tab.
  2. Select a patient and click Update. The Update Person window opens.
  3. Click the Appointment History tab.

Via Case:

From the Case: [ID] / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab:
  1. From the Case: [ID] / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab, click the in the Patient field. The Update Person page opens.
  2. Click the Appointment History tab.


  1. From the Case: [ID] / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab, select an insurance in the Insurance table.
  2. Click Update. The Update Insurance window opens.
  3. Click the in the Subscriber Name field. The Update Person page opens.
  4. Click the Appointment History tab.

Via Person:

From the People page:

  1. From the People page, select the person record to update.
  2. Click Update. The Update Person window opens with the Person Information tab displayed.
  3. Click the Appointment History tab.


Field Definitions





Start time

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

YesThe beginning time of the appointment. By default, this option is set to the current date and time or the date and time selected on the calendar.
End Time

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

YesThe scheduled end time of the appointment. It is based on the duration set for the appointment.

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

YesThe facility where the appointment or time block is scheduled.
Room #

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoThe room where the treatment will take place.

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoThe scheduled provider of services to the patient at the appointment.

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoThe procedure for which the appointment is being scheduled.
Referring Physician

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoThe physician who referred the patient.

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

YesAn indication if the appointment is confirmed with the patient. Available values includes Yes and No.

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoThe additional information related to the appointment.
Reminder Printed

Display Only

(pulled from Front Office Appointments)

NoAn indication if the reminder was printed and provided to the patient. Available values includes Yes and No.

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