Use this task to add a new Collections Action. Actions are used to track and assign collections-related tasks to Collectors/Collector Groups. Actions may pertain to collections activities related Guarantor, Insurance, or both.

Common actions used by multiple practices can be shared and re-used by all of them. 

The steps detailed in this topic are for adding an Action. See Creating Action Series topic for information on creating a new Collections Action Series.

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


From the Collections Admin / Actions & Action Series tab, click Create (or press Alt + C). The Action & Action Series: New page opens:

2Open the Action Type drop down list and select Action.
To create an Action Series, select Series from this drop down list. See Creating Action Series for additional details.
3Open the Collection Type drop down list and select the type of collections action being created: Guarantor, Insurance, Guarantor/Insurance.
The Guarantor/Insurance type is applicable to either Guarantor or Insurance collection activities.
4Enter a unique name for the Action in the Action Name field. 
5(Optional) Open the Collection Letter drop down list and select the letter associated with this action.

In most cases, Collection Letters will be used in coordination with an Action Series.

The Collection Letter drop down list is a list of letters created and maintained via the Collection Letters tab.
6(Optional) Open the Next Action drop down list and select the action to follow this action. 
7(Optional) Enter the number of Follow-up Days after the current action to trigger the next action.
The number of follow-up days can be any number between 1-999.
The Follow-up Days field is only enabled after the Next Action field is populated.
8(Optional) Select the Inactive checkbox to mark the action as inactive.

Inactive Actions/Action Series are still included in the Connect system, but will not be available for action creation until returned to Active status.

9Select the practice(s) that should be allowed to use the action.

The action will only be available for collections activities for the selected practices.

Click Select All to associate all practices with the action. As a result, the action will be accessible and can be used by any practice.

10Click Apply. 
11Click Save to save and close the page.  




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