Use this task to update Action or Action Series details.

Step-By-Step Guide




Additional Information


From the Collections Admin / Actions & Action Series tab, select the Action to be updated and click Update (or press Alt + U). The Action & Action Series: [name] page opens.

2(Optional) Enter a updated name for the Action in the Action Name field. 
3(Optional) Open the Collection Letter drop down list and select the letter associated with this action.

In most cases, Collection Letters will be used in coordination with an Action Series.

The Collection Letter drop down list is a list of letters created and maintained via the Collection Letters tab.
4(Optional) Open the Next Action drop down list and select the action to follow this action. 
5(Optional) Enter the number of Follow-up Days after the current action to trigger the next action.

The number of follow-up days can be any number between 1-999.

The Follow-up Days field is only enabled after the Next Action field is populated.

6(Optional) Select the Inactive checkbox to mark the action as inactive.

Inactive Actions/Action Series are still included in the Connect system, but will not be available for action creation until returned to Active status.

7Select/deselect the practice(s) that should be allowed to use the Action.

The action will only be available for collections activities for the selected practices.

Click Select All to associate all practices with the action. As a result, the action will be accessible and can be used by any practice.

8Click Apply. 
9Click Save to save and close the page.  


Action Series



Additional Information

1From the Collections Admin / Actions & Action Series tab, select the Action Series to be updated and click Update (or press Alt + U). The Action & Action Series: [name] page opens. 
2(Optional) Enter a updated name for the Action Series in the Action Name field. 
3(Optional) Select the Inactive checkbox to mark the action series as inactive.
Inactive Actions/Action Series are still included in the Connect system, but will not be available for action creation until returned to Active status.
4Select/deselect the practice(s) that should be allowed to use the Action Series.
The action will only be available for collections activities for the selected practices.
Click Select All to associate all practices with the action. As a result, the action will be accessible and can be used by any practice.

To add an action to the action series:

  1. Click Add. The Add Series Action window opens.
  2. Open the Action drop down list and select the action.
  3. Enter the number of Days until the action following this one should be performed.
  4. Click Save (or Save & Add Next to add additional actions).

Repeat the above steps to add all relevant Actions to the Action Series.

Only actions that were created and associated to the practice are displayed in the drop down list.


If the action has a name in () at the end of it, the information in the () is the collection letter attached to the action.

Selecting an item with a collection letter will auto-populate the Letter field with the Collection Letter Name.


To update an action in the action series:

  1. Select the action to be updated.
  2. Click Update. The Update Series Action window opens.
  3. Open the Action drop down list and select the updated action.
  4. Update the Days for the next task to generate.
  5. Click Save.

To remove an action from the action series:

  1. Select the action to be removed.
  2. Click Remove. The action is removed from the series.
8(Optional) Open the Final Action and select the final action of the series.
  • If the series is of Guarantor Collection Type, the Final Action options will include: Custom and External Collections.
    • If you select Custom, the Custom Action drop down is enabled for you to select the final action of the series.
    • If you select External Collections, the account will be dropped into pending collections.
  • If the series is of Insurance Collection Type, the Final Action option will only include: Custom.
    • Upon selecting Custom, the Custom Action drop down is enabled for you to select the final action of the series.
9Click Apply. 
10Click Save to save and close the page.  






  • No labels