
The Additional Case Information tab collects any additional information about the case, including:

  • Additional Dates
  • Reason for Delayed Submission of Claim
  • Programs & Exceptions
  • Signature & Release
When viewing a case in read-only mode, you can only view information and cannot change any related information on this tab.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  1. Click Charge Batches from the Manage list.
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Click the Additional Case Information tab.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Charge Batches.
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Click the Additional Case Information tab.
  1. Press [Alt] + [M] + [C].
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Press [Alt] + 5 to navigate to the Additional Case Information tab.


Field Definitions





Additional Dates Section

Onset of Illness/Symptom

Calendar Date


NoThe date the illness or symptom began.
Same/Similar Illness

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was treated for the same or similar illness. 
Initial Treatment

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was initially treated for the illness or symptom. 
Last Seen

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was last seen by the provider.
Last X-Ray

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient had the last x-ray. 
Date of First Contact

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider initially examined the patient. 
Assumed Care

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider began caring for the patient. 
Relinquished Care

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider no longer provided care for the patient. 
Last Date Worked

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient last worked.
Authorized Return to Work

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient is authorized to return to work.
Reason for Delayed Submission of Claim Section

ReasonDrop DownNo

Indicates why claims have not been submitted, or why submission has been delayed. If the claim is being submitted more than six months after the original date of service, you can specify a reason code indicating the reason for the delay in filing.

Options include:

1 - Proof of Eligibility Unknown or Unavailable

2 - Litigation

3 - Authorization Delays

4 - Delay in Certifying Provider

5 - Delay in Supplying Billing Forms

6 - Delay in Delivery of Custom-Made Appliances

7 - Third Party Processing Delay

8 - Delay in Eligibility Determination

9 - Original Claim Rejected or Denied Due to Reason Unrelated to Billing Limitation Rules

10 - Administration Delay in the Prior Approval Process

11 - Other

15 - Natural Disaster

Programs & Exceptions Section

Special Program TypeDrop DownNo

Indicates the type of special program under which the patient was treated.

Options include:

  • 01 NU - EPSDT or CHAP: No Referral Provided
  • 01 AV - EPSDT or CHAP: Patient Refused Referral
  • 01 S2 - EPSDT or CHAP: Under Treatment
  • 01 ST - EPSDT or CHAP: New Services Requested
  • 02 - Physically Handicapped Children's Program
  • 03 - Special Federal Funding
  • 05 - Disability
  • 07 - Induced Abortion - Danger to Life
  • 08 - Induced Abortion - Rape or Incest
  • 09 - Second Opinion or Surgery
    • Family Planning
    • Sterilization
    • A - Induced Abortion - Danger to the woman's life
    • B - Induced Abortion - Physical health damage to the woman
    • C - Induced Abortion - Victim of rape or incest
    • D - Induced Abortion - Medically necessary
    • E - Induced Abortion - Elective (i.e., Not considered medically necessary by the attending physician. Provision of elective abortions is restricted to New York City members.)
    • F - Procedure performed for the purpose of sterilization
Service Authorization ExceptionDrop DownNo

Indicates the HIPAA recognized exception under which the patient was treated.

Options include:

  • 1 - Immediate/Urgent Care
  • 2 - Services Rendered in a Retroactive Period
  • 3 - Emergency Care
  • 4 - Client as Temporary Medicaid
  • 5 - Request from County for Second Opinion to Determine if Recipient Can Work
  • 6 - Request for Override Pending
  • 7 - Special Handling
Signature & Release Section

Patient Signature on FileDrop DownYes

Indicates which form the patient signed to grant authorization for filing the claim on behalf of the patient. By default, this option is set to B - Signed Signature Authorization Form or Forms for Both HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 and Block 13 are on file. This information prints in box 13 on the CMS-1500 claim form.

Options include:

  • B - Signed signature authorization form or forms for both HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 and Block 13 are on file
  • C - Signed HCFA-1500 Claim Form on file
  • M - Signed signature authorization form for HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 13 on file
  • P - Signature generated by provider because the patient was not physically present for services
  • S - Signed signature authorization form for HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 on file
Release of InformationDrop DownYes

Indicates whether the provider has authorization from the patient or guarantor to release medical information about the patient. By default, this option is set to Y - Yes, Provider Has a Signed Statement Permitting Release of Medical Billing Data Related to a Claim. This information prints in box 12 on the CMS-1500 claim form.

Options include:

  • I - Informed Consent to Release Medical Information for Conditions or Diagnoses Regulated by Federal Statutes
  • Y - Yes, Provider Has a Signed Statement Permitting Release of Medical Billing Data Related to a Claim.
Additional Identifiers Section

Demonstration Project IdentifierFree TextNoRecords the Demonstration Project Identifier or clinical trial number on a case (up to 50 characters). A Medicare Demonstration Project attempts to gauge the effect of possible changes to the Medicare program. Medicare requires this information when the case includes a Demonstration Project Number. If this data is present on a case, the EDI file will include it in the 2300 loop, REF02 segment with an REF01 P4 qualifier.
Related Person Section

Section allows you to designate a person who is related to the patient.
PersonDrop Down SearchNoThe last and first names of the person related to the patient.
DescriptionFree TextNoThe relationship of the patient to the related person, for example, spouse, mother, or father.
Errors and Warning Section

This section reports problems detected through the Error Check validation process. Use the Display options to select the validations to verify.

In addition to errors and warnings, the date and time the last error check occurred is reported. If an error check has never been performed on a charge batch or case, the text displayed will be Last Check: (pending). Each time an error check is completed, this text is updated and displayed in the following format: Last Check: mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm:ss AM/PM, for example, Last Check:  07/08/2013, 4:35:14 PM.

Display FiltersCheckboxesNo

This filter determines the type of errors or warnings listed in the Error Check list. Errors must be corrected before a case or charge batch can be submitted and claims can be generated. Warnings may or may not cause rejection of a claim and are not required to be corrected. A checkmark next to the display filter indicates that the filter is selected.

The filter options dynamically affect the contents of the error checklist. When you clear a checkbox, the list hides the applicable errors or warnings. When you click the checkbox again, the list refreshes, showing the hidden errors or warnings.





The classification of the problem detected in a category during the Error Checking process. Cases in the charge batch are validated for certain conditions reported as errors or warnings.

ErrorsConditions on a case that affect claims generation. Errors must be corrected before cases can be submitted and claims can be created.
WarningsConditions on a case that may cause the claim to be rejected by a payer. Warnings do not have to be corrected before cases can be submitted and claims can be created.




The component that may contain an error or warning when either condition is detected during error check validation, for example, Concurrency or Data. By default, all categories are selected and all errors and warnings are displayed on the Charge Batch Error Check tab. Errors must be corrected before a claim can be created. Warnings do not have to be corrected before a claim can be created.

The categories listed in the error check table are controlled by the Display filters on the Charge Batch Error Check tab. The following categories are available:

ConcurrencyExceptions reported on anesthesia provider time for violations that occur across multiple cases. In most cases, concurrency exceptions are reported as errors unless concurrency validation is excluded on the case. If concurrency is excluded on the case, exceptions are reported as warnings.
CCIExceptions reported on code auditing for detecting discrepancies between the diagnosis code and the procedure code. CCI edit warnings are not required to be resolved before a claim can be created, but if not correct, the problems may result in claim rejections by the payer.
ICD-9/ICD-10Exceptions reported on diagnosis codes for authenticating that the diagnosis is appropriate for a particular age or gender. ICD-9 edit warnings are not required to be resolved before a claim can be created, but if not correct, the problems may result in claim rejections by the payer.
PayerExceptions reported on payers or plans for evaluating claim filing rules specific to a payer or plan, for example, provider identification numbers, or date of service of procedure occurs after provider effective date.
DataExceptions reported on data for identifying primary data elements (for example, primary diagnosis code) that are missing, are required for all cases, or are required based on specific conditions within a case. Required data must be entered before a claim can be created.



YesThe description of the error or warning.
Related CasesLinkNoA direct link to cases related to the case that has a warning or error. To go to a related case, click the direct link. If the related case has a warning or error that is corrected, the Error Check validation process will verify the case and remove it from the Charge Batch Error Check tab

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Error and Warnings Section

Error Check[Alt] + [K]To run the Error Check validation for either a charge batch or a case in a charge batch.Running Error Check Validation


The Additional Case Information tab collects any additional information about the case, including:

  • Additional Dates
  • Reason for Delayed Submission of Claim
  • Programs & Exceptions
  • Signature & Release
When viewing a case in read-only mode, you can only view information and cannot change any related information on this tab.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  1. Click Charge Batches from the Manage list.
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Click the Additional Case Information tab.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Charge Batches.
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Click the Additional Case Information tab.
  1. Press [Alt] + [M] + [C].
  2. Double-click the charge batch to review.
  3. Double-click the case to review.
  4. Press [Alt] + 5 to navigate to the Additional Case Information tab.


Field Definitions





Additional Dates Section

Onset of Illness/Symptom

Calendar Date


NoThe date the illness or symptom began.
Same/Similar Illness

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was treated for the same or similar illness. 
Initial Treatment

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was initially treated for the illness or symptom. 
Last Seen

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient was last seen by the provider.
Last X-Ray

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient had the last x-ray. 
Date of First Contact

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider initially examined the patient. 
Assumed Care

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider began caring for the patient. 
Relinquished Care

Calendar Date


NoThe date the provider no longer provided care for the patient. 
Last Date Worked

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient last worked.
Authorized Return to Work

Calendar Date


NoThe date the patient is authorized to return to work.
Reason for Delayed Submission of Claim Section

ReasonDrop DownNo

Indicates why claims have not been submitted, or why submission has been delayed. If the claim is being submitted more than six months after the original date of service, you can specify a reason code indicating the reason for the delay in filing.

Options include:

1 - Proof of Eligibility Unknown or Unavailable

2 - Litigation

3 - Authorization Delays

4 - Delay in Certifying Provider

5 - Delay in Supplying Billing Forms

6 - Delay in Delivery of Custom-Made Appliances

7 - Third Party Processing Delay

8 - Delay in Eligibility Determination

9 - Original Claim Rejected or Denied Due to Reason Unrelated to Billing Limitation Rules

10 - Administration Delay in the Prior Approval Process

11 - Other

15 - Natural Disaster

Programs & Exceptions Section

Special Program TypeDrop DownNo

Indicates the type of special program under which the patient was treated.

Options include:

  • 01 NU - EPSDT or CHAP: No Referral Provided
  • 01 AV - EPSDT or CHAP: Patient Refused Referral
  • 01 S2 - EPSDT or CHAP: Under Treatment
  • 01 ST - EPSDT or CHAP: New Services Requested
  • 02 - Physically Handicapped Children's Program
  • 03 - Special Federal Funding
  • 05 - Disability
  • 07 - Induced Abortion - Danger to Life
  • 08 - Induced Abortion - Rape or Incest
  • 09 - Second Opinion or Surgery
    • Family Planning
    • Sterilization
    • A - Induced Abortion - Danger to the woman's life
    • B - Induced Abortion - Physical health damage to the woman
    • C - Induced Abortion - Victim of rape or incest
    • D - Induced Abortion - Medically necessary
    • E - Induced Abortion - Elective (i.e., Not considered medically necessary by the attending physician. Provision of elective abortions is restricted to New York City members.)
    • F - Procedure performed for the purpose of sterilization
Service Authorization ExceptionDrop DownNo

Indicates the HIPAA recognized exception under which the patient was treated.

Options include:

  • 1 - Immediate/Urgent Care
  • 2 - Services Rendered in a Retroactive Period
  • 3 - Emergency Care
  • 4 - Client as Temporary Medicaid
  • 5 - Request from County for Second Opinion to Determine if Recipient Can Work
  • 6 - Request for Override Pending
  • 7 - Special Handling
Signature & Release Section

Patient Signature on FileDrop DownYes

Indicates which form the patient signed to grant authorization for filing the claim on behalf of the patient. By default, this option is set to B - Signed Signature Authorization Form or Forms for Both HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 and Block 13 are on file. This information prints in box 13 on the CMS-1500 claim form.

Options include:

  • B - Signed signature authorization form or forms for both HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 and Block 13 are on file
  • C - Signed HCFA-1500 Claim Form on file
  • M - Signed signature authorization form for HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 13 on file
  • P - Signature generated by provider because the patient was not physically present for services
  • S - Signed signature authorization form for HCFA-1500 Claim Form Block 12 on file
Release of InformationDrop DownYes

Indicates whether the provider has authorization from the patient or guarantor to release medical information about the patient. By default, this option is set to Y - Yes, Provider Has a Signed Statement Permitting Release of Medical Billing Data Related to a Claim. This information prints in box 12 on the CMS-1500 claim form.

Options include:

  • I - Informed Consent to Release Medical Information for Conditions or Diagnoses Regulated by Federal Statutes
  • Y - Yes, Provider Has a Signed Statement Permitting Release of Medical Billing Data Related to a Claim.
Additional Identifiers Section

Demonstration Project IdentifierFree TextNoRecords the Demonstration Project Identifier or clinical trial number on a case (up to 50 characters). A Medicare Demonstration Project attempts to gauge the effect of possible changes to the Medicare program. Medicare requires this information when the case includes a Demonstration Project Number. If this data is present on a case, the EDI file will include it in the 2300 loop, REF02 segment with an REF01 P4 qualifier.
Errors and Warning Section

This section reports problems detected through the Error Check validation process. Use the Display options to select the validations to verify.

In addition to errors and warnings, the date and time the last error check occurred is reported. If an error check has never been performed on a charge batch or case, the text displayed will be Last Check: (pending). Each time an error check is completed, this text is updated and displayed in the following format: Last Check: mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm:ss AM/PM, for example, Last Check:  07/08/2013, 4:35:14 PM.

Display FiltersCheckboxesNo

This filter determines the type of errors or warnings listed in the Error Check list. Errors must be corrected before a case or charge batch can be submitted and claims can be generated. Warnings may or may not cause rejection of a claim and are not required to be corrected. A checkmark next to the display filter indicates that the filter is selected.

The filter options dynamically affect the contents of the error checklist. When you clear a checkbox, the list hides the applicable errors or warnings. When you click the checkbox again, the list refreshes, showing the hidden errors or warnings.





The classification of the problem detected in a category during the Error Checking process. Cases in the charge batch are validated for certain conditions reported as errors or warnings.

ErrorsConditions on a case that affect claims generation. Errors must be corrected before cases can be submitted and claims can be created.
WarningsConditions on a case that may cause the claim to be rejected by a payer. Warnings do not have to be corrected before cases can be submitted and claims can be created.




The component that may contain an error or warning when either condition is detected during error check validation, for example, Concurrency or Data. By default, all categories are selected and all errors and warnings are displayed on the Charge Batch Error Check tab. Errors must be corrected before a claim can be created. Warnings do not have to be corrected before a claim can be created.

The categories listed in the error check table are controlled by the Display filters on the Charge Batch Error Check tab. The following categories are available:

ConcurrencyExceptions reported on anesthesia provider time for violations that occur across multiple cases. In most cases, concurrency exceptions are reported as errors unless concurrency validation is excluded on the case. If concurrency is excluded on the case, exceptions are reported as warnings.
CCIExceptions reported on code auditing for detecting discrepancies between the diagnosis code and the procedure code. CCI edit warnings are not required to be resolved before a claim can be created, but if not correct, the problems may result in claim rejections by the payer.
ICD-9/ICD-10Exceptions reported on diagnosis codes for authenticating that the diagnosis is appropriate for a particular age or gender. ICD-9 edit warnings are not required to be resolved before a claim can be created, but if not correct, the problems may result in claim rejections by the payer.
PayerExceptions reported on payers or plans for evaluating claim filing rules specific to a payer or plan, for example, provider identification numbers, or date of service of procedure occurs after provider effective date.
DataExceptions reported on data for identifying primary data elements (for example, primary diagnosis code) that are missing, are required for all cases, or are required based on specific conditions within a case. Required data must be entered before a claim can be created.



YesThe description of the error or warning.
Related CasesLinkNoA direct link to cases related to the case that has a warning or error. To go to a related case, click the direct link. If the related case has a warning or error that is corrected, the Error Check validation process will verify the case and remove it from the Charge Batch Error Check tab

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Error and Warnings Section

Error Check[Alt] + [K]To run the Error Check validation for either a charge batch or a case in a charge batch.Running Error Check Validation

  • No labels