Complete this task to modify a payment in a payment batch.

Payments are applied by service line distributions, by external collection distributions, or by on-account line items.

  • Service line distributions apply to both guarantor and insurance payments. 
  • External Collection Distributions apply to external collection payments. 
  • On-account line items apply only to guarantor payments.

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


From the Payment Batch / Payment Batch Information tab, select the payment to modify and click Update (or press Alt + U). The Payment: [ID] page opens for the applicable payment type.


Do one of the following:

  • For an insurance payment, see the Managing Insurance Payments tasks below.
  • For a guarantor payment, see the Managing Guarantor Payments tasks below.
  • For an external collections payment, see the Managing External Collections Payments tasks below.


Managing Insurance Payments


To manage payments transferred to Suspense, complete any of the following tasks:

  • Removing Payments Transferred to Suspense
  1. From the Payment / Suspense tab, select the transaction to remove.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The transaction is removed from the Suspense tab.
  • Reviewing Payments Transferred to Suspense
  1. From the Payment / Suspense tab, select the transaction to review.
  2. Click View (or press Alt + V). The Suspense page opens with the Suspense entry for the payment transaction, recorded as IPYMT.
  • Transferring Payments to Suspense

Transferring Payments to Suspense


To manage payments recouped from another claim, complete any of the following tasks:

  • Applying Rescinded Payments

Applying Rescinded Payments

  • Removing Rescinded Payments
  1. From the Payment / Recoup tab, select the transaction to remove.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + O). The transaction is removed from the Recoup table as well as the page/tab (Active AR tab, Suspense or Misc Income page) from which the payment was rescinded.
  • Reviewing Rescinded Payments
  1. From the Payment / Recoup tab, select the transaction to review.
  2. Click View (or press Alt + I).
    • If the transaction is for a payment recouped from an IPYMT on a guarantor account, the Active AR tab for that guarantor account opens.

    • If the transaction is for a payment recouped from Suspense, the Suspense page opens.

    • If the transaction is for a payment recouped from miscellaneous income, the Misc Income page opens.


To manage service line distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

  • Adding Service Line Distributions

Adding Service Line Distributions (Insurance Payment)

  • Updating Service Line Distributions

Updating Service Line Distributions

  • Removing Service Line Distributions
  1. From the Payment [ID] page, select the service line distribution to remove.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The service line is deleted and the Balance Information section is updated with the adjustment.


To manage payments transferred to miscellaneous income, complete any of the following tasks:

  • Adding Service Line Distributions

Adding Service Line Distributions (Insurance Payment)

  • Transferring Money to Miscellaneous Income

Transferring Money to Miscellaneous Income

  • Removing Misc Income Distributions
  1. From the Distribution: [ID], Payment [ID] or Payment: New pages, the transaction to remove from the Misc Income tab.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The transaction is removed from the Misc Income table and the Misc Income page.

8Managing Guarantor Payments

To add service line, on account, Suspense, or miscellaneous income distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

  • Adding Service Line Distributions

Adding Service Line Distributions (Guarantor Payment)

  • Adding On Account Distributions

Adding On Account Distributions (Guarantor Payment)

  • Transferring Payments to Suspense

Transferring Payments to Suspense

  • Transferring Money to Miscellaneous Income

Transferring Money to Miscellaneous Income


To modify service line or on account distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

Updating Service Line Distributions
  1. From the Payment [ID] / Distributions tab / Service Lines section, click in the Payment field of a service line distribution to change.
  2. Enter the new value and click Apply (or press Alt + A).
  3. Repeat the above steps for each service line distribution to modify.
Updating On Account Distributions
  1. From the Payment [ID] / Distributions tab / On Account section, click in the Amount field of an on account distribution to change.
  2. Enter the new value and click Apply (or press Alt + A).
  3. Repeat the above steps for each account distribution to modify.


To remove service line, on account, or Suspense distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

Removing Service Line Distributions
  1. From the Payment [ID] / Distributions tab / Service Lines section, select the service line distribution to delete.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The service line is deleted and the Balance Information section is updated with the adjustment.
Removing On Account Distributions
  1. From the Payment [ID] / Distributions tab / On Account section, select the on account distribution to delete.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The line item is deleted.
Removing Payment Transferred to Suspense
  1. From the Payment [ID] / Suspense tab, select the transaction to delete.
  • Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The transaction is removed from the Suspense tab on the Payment: New or Payment: [ID] page and from the Suspense page.

12Managing External Collections Payments

To add external collection distributions, complete any of the following tasks:


To modify external collection distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

  1. From the Payment: [ID] / Distributions section of an external collections payment, select the distribution to modify.
  2. Click Update (or press Alt + U). The Update Distribution window opens.
  3. Do one or both of the following:

    • To change the net payment amount, click in the Net Payment field of the external collection distribution to change, and then enter the new value.

    • To change the commission amount, click in the Commission field of the external collection distribution to change, end then enter the new value.


To remove external collection distributions, complete any of the following tasks:

  1. From the Payment: [ID] / Distributions section of an external collections payment, select the distribution to delete.
  2. Click Remove (or press Alt + R). The external collection distribution is deleted and the Balance Information section is updated with the adjustment.

16When finished, click Save to save your changes and close the Payment: [ID] page.

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