
The Payers & Plans page contains a list of all existing payers and their associated plans.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:
  • Click Payers & Plans from the Admin list 
  • Open the Admin menu and select Payers & Plans



Field Definitions






Allows the list of payers and plans to be filtered by Payer/Plan and Address (city, state, or ZIP code).

As you type, the payers and plans in the list are filtered to show only those that match what was typed. To restore the list to all payers and plans, clear the contents of the filters.

The Show Inactive checkbox allows you to display or hide inactive payers and plans. The checkbox defaults to checked; inactive payers and plans are not displayed unless the box is checked. The selected/de-selected designation is saved and retained upon closing and reopening the page. 


Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Payers & Plans)


The name of the payer and its associated plans. Payers and plans are listed in a table with the plans nested under their parent payer.

To see the list of plans for a particular payer, click the  next to the payer to which the plan belongs. The list expands to show all plans for that payer.

To collapse the list, click the  next to the payer to which the plans belongs. The list collapses to show only that payer.


Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Payers & Plans)

NoThe description of the payer and plan as established in the payer and plan configurations.

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Payers & Plans)

NoThe address of the plan as established in the plan configuration.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Create Payer[Alt] + [C]Add a new payer to the table.Configuring Payers
Create Plan[Alt] + [P]Add a new plan to the table.Configuring Plans
Update[Alt] + [U]Modify the selected payer or plan configuration.

Updating Payers

Updating Plans

Delete [Alt] + [D] Removes the specified payer or plan from the master list.Deleting Payers & Plans
Clone[Alt] + [N] Opens the Clone Payer or Clone Plan window where you can create a payer or plan from another payer or plan. All properties of the configuration are copied from the selected payer or plan to the new payer or plan. The new payer or plan configuration is then modified as applicable.Cloning Payers & Plans
Copy Paper Claim Settings [Alt] + [O] Opens the Copy Paper Claim Settings window for selecting the plans for which paper claim format and options will be changed to match the format and options of the highlighted plan in the Payers & Plans table.Copying Paper Claim Settings to Other Plans
Move[Alt] + [M] 

Change the payer on a plan.

  • The payer can only be changed on plans that have not been used and associated elsewhere.
  • If the plan has been used, it will need to be cloned and the newly cloned plan can then be assigned to the new payer.
  1. Select the plan to be moved.
  2. Click Move. The Move Plan to Payer window opens.
  3. Open the Insurance drop down and select the new payer.
  4. Click OK. 
Expand All[Alt] + [E] Expands the Payer/Plan table to display all plans under each parent player.

Collapse All [Alt] + [A] Collapses any expanded payer/plan combination in the payer/plan table.

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