
The Payment Batches page is used to manage payments that have been applied.

When the Payment Batches page is first opened, the payment batches created within the last five days are listed. To work with payment batches older than five days, use the Search fields to find the payment batches with which you want to work.

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  • Click Payment Batches from the Manage list.
  • Open the Manage menu and select Payment Batches.
  • Press [Alt] + [M] + [P].


Field Definitions





Filter Section


Allows the list of claims to be filtered by Practice, Status and/or Accounting Date.

As you type in the Practice and Status fields, the payment batches in the list are filtered to show only those that match what was typed. The information entered in the Accounting Date filter is applied upon tabbing or moving the cursor to another field. To restore the list to all payment batches, clear the contents of the filters.

Payment Batch Information Section

This section contains the audit trail for each payment batch.

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Payment Batch)

YesThe practice associated with the payment batch.
Acct Date

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Payment Batch)

YesThe accounting date for the payment batch. 
Batch ID

Display Only


YesThe unique identification number of the payment batch assigned when it is created. By default, the table is sorted by this column in ascending order.

Display Only


YesThe date and time the payment batch was created.

Display Only


YesThe name of the person who created the payment batch.
Counts Section

This section contains the totals for the number of payments in the payment batch.

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Payment Batch)

YesThe number of payments expected to be entered in the payment batch.

Display Only


YesThe number of payments entered in to the payment batch.

Display Only


YesThe number of payments posted in the payment batch.
Amounts Section

This section contains the totals for the amount applied and the status of the payment batch.

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Payment Batch)

YesThe sum total amount of all payments to be entered in the payment batch.

Display Only


YesThe sum of the all payments (checks) currently in the payment batch.

Display Only


YesThe total amount of funds currently distributed (allocated), but not yet posted, from payments in the payment batch.

Display Only


YesThe total amount of the payments that have been posted in the payment batch.

Display Only


YesIndicates whether all payments (checks) in the payment batch are in balance. The payment batch is in balance when the value in the Distributed column matches the value in the Total column. The value in this column will be either Yes or No.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Search[Alt] + [S]

To find payment batches.

  1. Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.

The last used search values are saved and serve as default values for your next Payment Batches search in the following fields: 

  • Status
  • Practice
  • Date Mode (& range)

Create[Alt] + [C]To create a payment batch.Creating Payment Batches
Update[Alt] + [U]To modify a payment batch.Updating Payment Batches
Import[Alt] + [I]To import payments from an ERA file into a payment batch.Importing ERA Files
Print Remit[Alt] + [R]To generate the Remit Detail report.Generating the Remit Detail Report
Post[Alt] + [P]To post a payment batchPosting Payment Batches
Delete[Alt] + [D]To delete a payment batch.Deleting Payment Batches

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