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Looking For This?

Release 24.2.21

Our next release is currently scheduled for deployment Wednesday evening, September 18, 2024.  During this time, the Connect application will not be available. 

Deployment Schedule:

  • BEGIN: Wednesday, 9/18/24 @ 9:00 P.M. CDT
  • COMPLETION: Friday, 9/19/24 @ 4:00 A.M. CDT

RevSpring Transition

Supporting Documentation / Information

Information Session (6/11/24) Presentation:

Information Session (6/11/24) Recording:

Spotlight SessionTopic:Moving Money Between External Collections and Active AR
  • Date: Thursday, Sept 29, 2022
  • Time: 1:00 CDT
  • Where: Contact Client Services for the meeting URL
Annual User Summit

Save the Date! October 19-20, 2022

Be on the lookout! Registration and agenda details are coming soon. 

Upcoming Office Closures
  • Friday, November 11 (Veteran's Day)
  • Thursday/Friday, November 24-25 (Thanksgiving)

    Click the icons below to quickly jump in Help to: 

    Latest Release NotesTips & Tricks in ConnectContacting Us Info

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    Portal / Reports Topics

    About Connect Help

     What's New?

    Support Documentation

    Welcome to Connect, a platform consisting of multiple applications used for managing elements related to medical billing.

    The Help Documentation guides you through using Connect via topics which provide:

    • Page, window, and field definitions
    • Step-by-step guides for common system processes
    • Links to helpful training videos and support documentation
    • Access to current and past release notes


    The latest Connect release is 2224.2.421. Highlights of this release include the following:


    • New OWCP 1500 paper claim form option added to the Plan / Claims / Paper Claim Format field.

    • Cleaned up the Paper Claim template options:

      • Added OWCP 1500 to the Preferences > Paper Claim field dropdown.
      • Alphabetized the options in the dropdown list.
      • Removed invalid paper claim forms from the dropdown list.
    • ​​​​​​​Fixed issue causing a mismatch between the payer/plan combo on a generated claim and the displayed value on the submitted case or Active AR tab.


    • Updated Connect with 2023 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes.


    • Added two new columns to the Case / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance Insurance section
      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Eligibility Status populates with the most recent eligibility check response: Active, InactiveRejected.
      • Last Checked populates with the corresponding date of the last eligibility check.
    • Added new button to the Case / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance Patient section: 
      • When clicked, the Review Eligibility button opens the Eligibility tab, filtered on the selected patient.
    • ​​​​​​​Modified logic on Check Eligibility window to only display one row per insurance on a case to eliminate multiple submissions.

    Charge Batches

    • Modified functionality on the Case / Procedures & Provider Time / Add Procedure window to display the CPT with Modifiers before the Parent CPT code when typing and the cursor jumps to the entered procedure code in the Code drop down field list.
    • Added Rank field to the Charge Batches / Eligibility tab.

    Code Mappings

    • Added new free text filter fields:
      • CPT Code and ASA Code to upper tables
      • CPT/ASA Code to lower table
    • Updated the exporting logic on the Admin / Code Mappings page to only allow exporting of non-system codes.

    Code Updates

    • Added 2024 Q3 code updates:
      • CCI Edits
      • Diagnosis Codes
      • HCPCS

    Coding Form

    • Removed the Referring Physician free text fields, as it duplicated the information in the Referring Physician drop down field.


    • Modified logic to allow users with Facilities: View Only permission to navigate to the Admin/Facilities page and select/open a facility to view information.

    Payment Batches

    • Added the ability to view denial reasons via the Add Denial Code window in View Only format for a posted payment batch. Accessible by clicking the Reason field of the Distribution page of a posted payment.


    • Modified logic to allow users with Practices: View Only permission to only see the affiliated practice(s) listed in their Associated Practices list on the Admin/Account Status and Admin/Custom Fields pages.


    • Modified logic to ensure non-admin users are unable to access historic reports that may have details of unaffiliated practicesAdded Resubmit Inquiry button to the Charge Batches / Eligibility tab.

    To view the full release notes for the current Connect release, click here

    titleLatest Training Tutorials

    Some Help topics include video tutorials, tip sheets, or how-to-guides, which provide visual, step-by-step instructions on how to complete the task. Click one of the links below to access the topics with related materials.

    **Scroll to the bottom of the linked page to find the associated video or document.**

    This link has all the session recordings for you in one place!

      • Editing Payments (8/25/23)
      • Submitting Support Tickets (6/28/23)
      • DMA eStatements (4/25/23)
      • Moving Money Between Ext. Coll. & Active AR (9/29/22)
      • Rebills, Rebills, Rebills (2/22/23)
      • Working the Collections Queue (3/22/23)
    • Statement Processing
    • User Summit


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    This documentation contains copyright protected, confidential, and proprietary trade information of Cognizant and may not be copied, distributed, or disclosed without prior written permission. This documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent any expressed or implied commitments by Cognizant. The software described in this documentation is furnished under a License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. 

    Third Party company names and product names may be referenced in this documentation and may be claimed as trademarks by their respective companies; it is not the intention of Cognizant to claim any such names as its own. Throughout this documentation, trademarked names may be used. All person names and information in Connect Help documents are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.  

    ©2006-2022 2024 Cognizant. All Rights Reserved. Crosswalk materials are © 2022 2024 American Society of Anesthesiologists. Relative Value Guide materials are © 2022 2024 American Society of Anesthesiologists. Crosswalk and Relative Value Guide are registered trademarks of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.