
The Insurance tab contains a list of guarantor accounts in insurance responsibility that have been transferred to internal collections. Only the guarantor accounts that have active collection tasks are listed on this tab. When the account balance goes to zero, the collection task is no longer displayed.

A collection action can be applied to multiple accounts at once. Select one or more accounts by holding the CTRL key, and then click the applicable action button.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  1. Click Collections from the Manage list.
  2. Click the Insurance tab.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Collections.
  2. Click the Insurance tab.
  1. Press [Alt] + [M] + [L].
  2. Click the Insurance tab.


(Click an image below to enlarge.)

Insurance Tab

Insurance Tab / General Sub-tab

Insurance Tab / Service Line Sub-tab

Insurance Tab / Account Notes Sub-tab

Insurance Tab / Collection Actions Sub-tab

Field Definitions






Filtering options used to specify which collection tasks are listed by guarantor account.

Allows the list of collection information to be filtered by Account, Payer, and Collector.

As you type, the collection information in the list is filtered to show only the data that matches what was typed. To restore the list to all collection information, clear the contents of the filters.

CountRead-only (system count)YesProvides the number of items included in the collection tasks list.
PracticeDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe practice associated with the collection task.


System generated if there is an attachment associated with the line item.

YesThe field will display Yes or No depending on if there is an associated attachment.
AccountDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe account number of the guarantor account.
CaseDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe identification number of the case associated with the claim.
PatientDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)Yes

The name of the patient.

FacilityDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe name of the facility where services were rendered. 
ProviderDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe name of the billing provider for which the claim was submitted.
PayerDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe name of the insurance company that is financially responsible for the account.
PlanDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe name of the insurance plan that is financially responsible for the account.
RankDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)Yes

The order in which the payer has financial responsibility when there is more than one payer, for example, primary, secondary, tertiary 1, and tertiary 2. Each payer is identified by a number from 1 to 3, indicating the rank of the payer. The following numbers are used:

  • 1 - The payer is the primary insurance
  • 2 - The payer is the secondary insurance
  • 3 - The payer is the tertiary insurance 
DOSDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe date of service of the procedure.
CPTDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe five-digit code that identifies the general procedure code/HCPCS.
ASADisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe five-digit code that identifies the anesthesia procedure code.
Billed AmountDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe total amount billed for the service line item.
Expected AmountDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe expected amount of payment from the responsible party for the amount billed, which is determined by the expected fee schedule configured at the practice configuration.
BalanceDisplay Only (pulled from AR)YesThe current balance on the guarantor account.
Last ActionDisplay Only (pulled from defined Collection Actions)YesThe action defined as Action Type in the collection action and corresponds to the last action taken in the collection effort, for example, phone call, follow-up phone call, or demand letter.
Last Action DateDisplay Only (pulled from defined Collection Actions)YesThe date defined as the Next Action Date in the collection action and corresponds to the last date that action was taken in the collection effort.
Next ActionDisplay Only (pulled from defined Collection Actions)YesThe action defined as the Next Action Type in the collection action and corresponds to the next action to be taken in the collection effort.
Next Action DateDisplay Only (pulled from defined Collection Actions)YesThe date the next action is scheduled to occur based on the practice configuration. This date is automatically filled in based on the selection for the Next Action Type. You can accept the default date or override the date by typing or selecting another date. The year is automatically populated with the current year.
CollectorDisplay Only (pulled from the Practice's Insurance Collections assignment rules)


(either the Collector OR Collector Group will be populated)

The name of the collector to whom the task is currently assigned.
Collector Group

Display Only

(pulled from the Insurance Collections assignment rules)


(either the Collector OR Collector Group will be populated)

The name of the collector group to which the task is currently assigned.
Last Denial CodeDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe group and reason code for the last payment for the responsible insurance plan. (e.g., Group Code - Reason Code)
Member NumberDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe unique number issued by the payer to identify the patient who participates in a group plan.
Group NumberDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe unique number issued by the payer to the owner of the insurance policy.
Contact PhoneDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe 10-digit telephone number of the contact person for the plan.
Eligibility StatusDisplay Only (pulled from Eligibility Response)No

The status, or the state of being qualified or entitled to benefits for the selected SVFE line item. 

  • Active - patient is currently eligible
  • Inactive - patient is not currently eligible
  • Rejected - the Eligibility Inquiry did return a successful response
  • [Blank] - Eligibility has not been checked for the line item.
General Sub-tab

The information displayed in this sub-tab is for the selected line item at the top of the page. If multiple lines are selected, the sub-tab is blank.
Aging BalancesDisplay Only (pulled from AR)Yes

The area has column headings that represent the aging intervals on the account. The past due amounts appear in the appropriate column based on the age of the uncollected past due balance.

For example, suppose an account has multiple service fee line items, two of which are past due. One past due amount is 92 days past due and the other is 25 days past due. The amount that is 92 days will be listed under the 91-120 column. The amount that is 25 days will be listed under the 0-30 column. As the past due amounts age, they are placed in the appropriate column according to the number of days past due.

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)


The name of the guarantor.

The field is a hyperlink that when clicked opens the Update Person / Person Information tab.
Address 1

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)

YesThe street address of the guarantor.
Address 2

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)

NoThe address line 2 of the street address for the guarantor.

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)


The city, state, and zip code of the guarantor.

Day Phone

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)


The 10-digit telephone number (Day) of the guarantor.

Evening Phone

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)


The 10-digit telephone number (Evening) of the guarantor.

Date of Birth

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)

NoThe date of birth of the guarantor of the account.

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Persons)


The account number of the guarantor account.

The field is a hyperlink that when clicked opens the Account: [ID] page.
Account StatusDrop DownNoThe values in the drop down list assist in grouping and searching for accounts.
Returned MailCheckboxNoSets the flag to indicate mail has been returned on the account and follow-up is needed.
Last Payment Date

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Active AR)

NoDate of the last patient or guarantor payment received on the account.
Last Payment Amount

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Active AR)

NoThe amount of the last patient or guarantor payment.
Last Payment Type

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts/Active AR)


Designates the type of payment. Values will be: IPYMT or GPYMT.

Payment Plan

Display Only

(Pulled from created/updated Accounts)


Indicates if there is currently a payment plan on the account. Values will be Yes (if active for the account) or No (if not active for the account).

Statement ProcessingDrop DownYes

The option controls whether statements are generated on the account. By default, the option is set to Send. Options include:

  • Send - Statement processing is set to generate statements during normal conditions and at the regular scheduled cycle.
  • Hold - Statement processing is suspended until further action taken to resume statement processing.
Next System Statement Date



NoThe system will generate a statement for the account on the Next System Statement date. If you wish to generate the next statement on a date prior to or after the Next System Statement date, select or enter a date in the Override field.
OverrideCheckbox / Calendar DateNoIf you wish to generate the next statement on a date prior to or after the Next System Statement date, select the checkbox and enter a date in the Override field.
Service Line Details Sub-tab

The information displayed in this sub-tab is for the selected line item at the top of the page. If multiple lines are selected, the sub-tab is blank.
PatientDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe name of the patient on the case.
Date of BirthDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe date of birth of the patient.
SubscriberDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe person who owns the insurance coverage.
Subscriber #Display Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe identification number of the insurance owner.
Member #Display Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe unique number issued by the payer to identify the patient who participates in a group plan. Member IDs and Subscriber IDs can be the same or a different number based on whether the insurance company issues separate numbers to identify its participants. The member identification number is used by some payers to differentiate between the employee and the participating dependents, for example, 00 might identify the employee and 01 might identify the spouse of the employee.
Group #Display Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe unique number issued by the payer to the owner of the insurance policy.
CaseDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)Yes

The identification number of the case.

The field is a hyperlink that when clicked opens the Case: [ID] page.
Claim IDDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe identification number issued to the claim when it was generated.
ProcedureDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe procedure performed on the case. The information is displayed with the values: CPT / ASA.
DiagnosisDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe diagnosis codes of the procedure performed on the case.
Date of ServiceDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe date the services were rendered.
ProviderDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe name of the provider of the service.
TINDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe tax identification number of the provider.
Provider NPIDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe NPI number of the provider.
Group NPIDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe NPI number for the provider group (facility).
FacilityDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe facility where the services were rendered.
Procedure AmountDisplay Only (pulled from AR)YesThis field displays two values for the claim: Amount Billed / Current Balance.
Total Claim AmountDisplay Only (pulled from AR)Yes

This field displays two values for the claim: Amount Billed / Total Whole Claim.

PlanDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)Yes

The name of the plan to which claims are submitted.

Payer IDDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe unique payer identification number.
ContactDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe contact name for the responsible plan.
PhoneDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe phone number for the responsible plan.
FaxDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe fax number for the responsible plan.
WebsiteDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe website for the responsible plan.
Plan Address 1Display Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe address (line 1) for the responsible plan.
Address 2Display Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe address (line 2) for the responsible plan.
City, State, ZipDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe city, state, and zip code for the responsible plan.
Appeal Address 1Display Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe address (line 1) for the responsible plan's appeals office/location.
Address 2Display Only (pulled from Claim)NoThe address (line 2) for the responsible plan's appeals office/location.
City, State, ZipDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)YesThe city, state, and zip code for the responsible plan's appeals office/location.
Additional InfoDisplay Only (pulled from Claim)NoAdditional plan information of the responsible plan.
Account Notes Sub-tab

The information displayed in this sub-tab is for the selected line item at the top of the page. If multiple lines are selected, the sub-tab is blank.



YesThe date and time the note was saved.


NoThis note was entered on the Notes tab of the indicated case. Click the hyperlink to open the applicable Case: [ID] page.

Display Only

(pulled from created Notes)


The text of the note.


Display Only

(pulled from created Notes)


The Note Type assigned during creation of the note. Options include:

  • Account
  • Case
  • Collection
  • Payment
  • Refund
Created By


YesThe person who created the note.
Collection Actions Sub-tab

The information displayed in this sub-tab is for the selected line item at the top of the page. If multiple lines are selected, the sub-tab is blank.
Action Date


(system generated when the action is created)

YesThe date and time the action was initiated. The action date is displayed in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.

Display Only

(pulled from created Action/Action Series)

NoThe text of the note added to the action.
Initiated By


(system generated when the action is created)

YesThe name of the person who initiated the action. For a system-generated action, this value is System. For an action entered by a person, the value is displayed in the following format: last name suffix, first name, and middle name, for example, Smith Jr., John Adam.

Display Only

(pulled from created Action/Action Series)


The description of the action. This description can be system-generated or entered by a user.

Samples include:

Action TypeDescription

Guarantor balance transferred to internal collections.

Guarantor balance returned from internal collections.


Called Mr. Smith to discuss a payment plan.

Called Mrs. Jane Jones and left voicemail message.

Next Action

Display Only

(pulled from created Action/Action Series)

NoThe pre-defined action the collector will perform next in the series of actions. The Action Type is defined in the practice configuration and determines the series of events that will occur in the collection effort.
Next Action Date

Display Only

(pulled from created Action/Action Series)

NoThe date the next action is scheduled to occur based on the practice configuration. This date is automatically filled in based on the selection for the Next Action Type. You can accept the default date or override the date by typing or selecting another date. The year is automatically populated with the current year.

Display Only

(pulled from created Action/Action Series)


The identification number assigned to the collection letter when it is generated.

Only populated if the action has a collection letter attached to it.

Collection letters can be generated and printed on demand or printed later in a collection letter batch from the Collection Letters page.

Letter Layout

Display Only

(pulled from the action types created for the practice)


The collection letter that is linked to the action. This layout determines the content of the collection letter.

Only populated if the action has a collection letter attached to it.
Printed At


(system generated when the letter is generated)


The time and date that the letter was initially printed.

Only populated if the action has a collection letter attached to it.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Search[Alt] + [S]

To search and locate guarantor accounts in collection.

  1. Click Search. The Insurance Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.
Account[Alt] + [A]To review and manage a guarantor account.
  1. Select the account to review.
  2. Click Account. The Act: [ID] page opens.
Reassign[Alt] + [R]To reassign collection tasks from one collector to another for either guarantor or insurance collections.Reassigning Collection Tasks
Print[Alt] + [P]

To generate the Guarantor Collection Tasks report, which contains the contents of the collections tasks that are currently listed on the Guarantor tab, excluding collection actions.

  1. Click Print. The report is displayed in the default preview window.
Message[Alt] + [M]To create a message or task for another Connect user related to the insurance collections on the practice.
  1. Click Message.
  2. The Message window opens.
  3. Open the To drop down list and select the message recipient(s).
  4. Enter a Subject for the message.
  5. (Optional) If the message pertains to assigning a task, select the Task checkbox.
  6. (Optional) If the Task option is selected, the Due Date field is enabled and a date must be entered.

    The Insurance Collections and Account information auto-populates the Message field upon creation of the message. It can be edited if needed.
  7. Enter the Message text.

  8. Click Save.

View Attach[Alt] + [V]To open the Image Viewer window for the line item's attachments.
  1. Select the service line item with an attachment.
  2. Click View Attach. The Image Viewer window opens with the attachment displayed.

If you select a service line item without an attachment, a message displays:

Click Yes to open the Image Viewer window and create the image set.

RebillNot applicableTo rebill the service line item.

Perform the system rebill:

Review Eligibility Not applicableTo check the Eligibility check history for a single line item.
  1. Select the line item to review.
  2. Click Review Eligibility. The Charge Batch / Eligibility tab opens to display the Eligibility Summary and history for the selected line item. 
Check Eligibility Not applicableTo submit an Eligibility check for one or more line items. 
  1. Select the line(s) item to submit.
  2. Click Check Eligibility. The Check Eligibility window opens.
  3. Select the case(s) for submission of an Eligibility request. 
  4. Click Submit. The Check Eligibility window closes. 

You can also click the Submit and Review Response button to submit. Upon clicking, the Check Eligibility window closes and the cases are submitted. The Charge Batches / Eligibility tab automatically opens with the associated Charge Batch ID selected and the response displayed in the sub-tabs.

Create[Alt] + [T]To create a collection action for guarantor and insurance collection tasks. Creating Collection Actions
Print Letter[Alt] + [L]To print a collection letter from the Collection Actions section.Printing Collection Letters on Demand
General Sub-tab
Demand StatementNot applicableTo generate a statement before the regularly scheduled statement cycle.Generating Demand Statement
Account Notes Sub-tab
Search[Alt] + [E]To find a note.
  1. Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.
Create[Alt] + [T]

To add a note to the account.

Creating Account Notes

  • No labels