Current Release Notes

The enhancement and fixes detailed below pertain to the items included in the most recent Connect software release.

Latest Release Notes → CNCT_24.2.21.pdf (Sept 2024)

Enhancements - Release 24.2.21

Enhancements include new features and modifications for the following issues:





Back Office

Charge Batches

12871, 17793

Modified functionality on the Case / Procedures & Provider Time / Add Procedure window to display the CPT with Modifiers before the Parent CPT code when typing and the cursor jumps to the entered procedure code in the Code drop down field list.


Added Rank field to the Charge Batches / Eligibility tab.

Code Mappings


Added new free text filter fields:

  • CPT Code and ASA Code to upper tables
  • CPT/ASA Code to lower table


Updated the exporting logic on the Admin / Code Mappings page to only allow exporting of non-system codes.

Code Updates

17886, 18038, 18039

Added 2024 Q3 code updates:

  • CCI Edits
  • Diagnosis Codes

Coding Form


Removed the Referring Physician free text fields, as it duplicated the information in the Referring Physician drop down field.

Payment Batches


Added the ability to view denial reasons via the Add Denial Code window in View Only format for a posted payment batch. Accessible by clicking the Reason field of the Distribution page of a posted payment.

Fixes - Release 24.2.21

Fixes include corrections for the following issues:





Back Office



Modified logic to allow users with Facilities: View Only permission to navigate to the Admin/Facilities page and select/open a facility to view information.



Modified logic to only allow users with Practices: View Only permission to only see the affiliated practice(s) listed in their Associated Practices list on the Admin/Account Status and Admin/Custom Fields pages.



Modified logic to ensure non-admin users are unable to access historic reports that may have details of unaffiliated practices.

Release Notes Archive

ReleaseDateHighlightsRelease NotesRelated Webinar(s)


Sept 2024

Code Updates; Added Rank field to Charge Batches / Eligibility tab; Added ability to view denial reasons of posted payments



Aug 2024

Charge Batches/Case Holds tab updates; Modified multiple reports, including: AR Aging Analysis Details, Collection Actions Detail, Practice Performance Summary, Patient Responsibility Detail, Case Hotel Detail


July 2024

Code Updates; Error/bug fixes


June 2024

Code updates


June 2024

Error/bug fixes


June 2024

Error/bug fixes


June 2024

Added Status search field to Charge Batches / Eligibility tab; Modified logic to reorder claim generation hierarchy; Code updates; Added Eligibility History pane to the Case / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab; Removed ICD-9 references through application; Added Require Control Number option/functionality to the Practice / Miscellaneous tab; Added new Filters section to the Practice / Affiliated Facilities tab; Modified multiple reports, including: Elapsed Timed Analysis Detail, Financial Activity Summary - Misc Adjustment Detail, and AR Aging Analysis Detail.



May 2024

Code updates


Apr 2024

Modified AQI schema to meet 2024 submission requirements; error/bug fixes.


Mar 2024

Added Inactivate Account checkbox to the Account/General tab; Moved Related Person section to the Case / Additional Case Information tab; Removed the Procedures grid table from the Create Paperwork Attachment window (Case / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab). Code updates; Updated the Configuration requirements / recommendations found on the Health Dashboard; Modified multiple reports, including: Financial Account Summary - Payments to Line Items Detail; Facility Details; Account Adjustment Analysis Detail. 



Feb 2024

Added ability to apply changes in Account Date/DOS to all unsubmitted charges in a charge batch; Added appeal office/location address to the Plan / General tab, Collections / Insurance / Service Line Details tab, and Collection Letters fields; Updated Charge Batches / Eligibility tab to automatically refresh when a response received; Added ability to bulk select and post scan batches.


Feb 2024

Error/bug fixes


Jan 2024

Code updates; Added Custom Configuration tab and ability to create custom error check rules; Removed Can Schedule option from the Provider page; Added Patient Name to the Refunds page; Updated Practice search criteria in reports to only return active practices in reports when All Reports selected.


Dec 2023

Code updates


Dec 2023

Error/bug fixes


Dec 2023

Added Payment Batch ID hyperlink to the Active AR tab for recouple service lines; Added ability to sort Active AR by the DOS column; Added Claim field to Payment/Recoup tab; Added Additional Info field to the Provider page; Modified multiple reports and added 4 new reports, including: : Practice Performance Summary (DOS), Practice Performance Summary, Provider Details, Diagnosis Procedure Count Summary, Charge Entry Productivity Detail, Account Summary, and Account Note Detail.


Nov 2023

Code updates


Oct 2023

Error/bug fixes


Sept 2023

Code updates, Added additional options to the Collections Admin page to customize external collections; Added ability to term practices and facilities; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Case Procedure Analysis Detail, Practice Detail, Facility Detail

23.2.1 Release

Note: release# was updated to 23.2.2 post-webinar


Aug 2023

Added new Configuration and Excluded Payers tabs to the Admin > Eligibility page; Added new Action sub-tab to the Charge Batches / Eligibility tab; Updated percentage fields of Fees Schedules to allow up to three decimal places; Added Payer ID information to multiple pages/tabs in Connect; Added new Auto-Rebill to Secondary after ___ days checkbox/functionality; Added AR Grid to the Distribution and Add Distribution pages; Updated and modified multiple reports; Sunset Front Office


June 2023

Code updates, Error/bug fixes


May 2023

Error/bug fixes


May 2023

Added new Admin > Case Error Check page; Added bulk functionality to Charge Batches; Added ability to create bulk cases from imported EDC file; Updated postal codes to current USPS listings; Added ability to print both Payment Batch Detail and Payment Batch Summary reports from a payment batch; Modified multiple reports and added 4 new reports: Denial Code Configuration, Insurance Collection Queue Detail, Guarantor Collection Queue Detail, and Eligibility Response Report.


Mar 2023

Modified AQI schema to meet 2023 submission requirements

Feb 2023

Error/bug fixes


Feb 2023

Updated Eligibility logic to display additional fields in red if differences found between submitted 270 and returned 271; Modified report: Insurance Case Analysis Detail


Jan 2023

Check Eligibility window updated to include Missing Mappings and Errors tabs; New Eligibility Payer List page added to view TriZetto payers/mappings; Moved Rooms admin functionality from Front Office to Back Office; Updated SSN search functionality to accommodate 4-digit searches


Dec 2022

Code updates, Added ability to term providers (mark them as inactive)


Oct 2022

Error/bug fixes


Sept 2022

Error/bug fixes


Sept 2022

Code updates; New Claim Form; Modified Case / Patient, Guarantor & Insurance tab by adding Eligibility & Last Checked fields and Review Eligibility button ; Modified Eligibility tab by adding Resubmit Inquiry button



Aug 2022

Code updates; Added ability to filter records display on Account AR tab by a DOS range; Added Practice TIN to the Claim Information window; Modified Box 31 on NUCC 1500 Paper Claim to print full Medical License Number; Modified ERA functionality to allow foreign or blank address fields; Modified multiple reports, including: Payment Analysis Summary, Financial Activity Summary - Charges Billed Detail


July 2022

Modified Payment Batches search functionality to save search criteria for Status, Practice, Date Mode fields; Modified the Practice Performance Summary report


June 2022

Eligibility Request functionality updates (iteration 2); Code updates, Updated Admit Date population functionality on cases with Place of Service: 51, 52, 56, 61; Updated Place of Service codes; Added Health Dashboard; Added SSN masking functionality;  Deployed updated Launcher 1.2.0; Added No Surprise Act accommodations including Network Status designations; Modified Override Payer ID window to allow for 6 Additional Payer IDs to be added; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Charge Analysis Summary, Coding Auditing Report, AR Aging Analysis Detail, Insurance Collection Action Detail, Practice Performance Summary, Insurance Payment Denial Detail, Collection Trend Analysis Summary, Case Analysis Detail, Plan Detail


Apr 2022

Updated default filters on the Eligibility / Benefit tab; Updated the external collection file


22.2Mar 2022

Added Clear Records option to EDC Interface Configurations page; Updated Facility Place of Service Types; Modified AQI Report to meet 2022 requirements; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Account Summary, Payment Recoup, Case Utilization - Performing Provider Output, Billing Analysis Group by Procedure Summary, Practice Performance Summary

22.1Feb 2022Eligibility; Code updates; Collection Letters delete confirmation; System check to prevent Case Hold Reason updates on submitted cases; Updated DLT104 Refund Check format; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Charge Payment Posting Summary, Insurance Payment Denial Detail, Practice Performance Summary, Practice Detail, Production Analysis Summary, Payment Analysis Detail, Anesthesia Case Utilization - Case Output, Case Analysis Detail, Charge Analysis Detail
21.7.5Dec 2021

Code updates, Log4j updated to v2.17.0 2021

Error/bug fixes

21.6.4Oct 2021

Modified External Collections export files to meet new Regulation F requirements; Added missing COVID-19 diagnosis codes

21.6.1Sept 2021Error/bug fix
21.6Sept 2021Added option to automatically add Collections Notes to the Account Notes; Added Patient Name to the Concurrency Log for quick reference; Updated logic on Charge Batches to allow accounting dates to be entered for a date up to 14 days in the future; Code Updates; Added ability to delete Collection Letters; Modified functionality to auto-append 99100 and 99140 procedure codes when requirements are met; Group By search option added to multiple reports; Added Email Support link to the Support menu21.6 Release
21.5.11July 2021

Updated Claims logic pertaining to 2310B loop; Modified Charge Batches / EDC Files tab to facilitate searching by Facility Case # and SSN and selecting specific (multiple) records for the EDC file

21.5June 2021

Last Insurance and Last Guarantor Payment info added to Account / General tab; Added Assisted Living Facility (13) to the Box 32 options on the Plan /  Paper Claim Options page; Added Referral # option to the Box 171 (shaded) field of the Plan / Paper Claim Option; Added option to the Plan / claims tab to designate use of the facility-specific billing provider address for a plan; Updated Facility Name field to perform 25-caracter limit validation; Added additional fields to the Charge Analysis Detail and Patient Responsibility Detail reports; Added new Back Office rights to the Role page: Account - Merge (Update) and Images (Delete)

21.5 Release

May  2021

Copy paste functionality for Account Notes; Note field added to Create Case Hold Reason and Update Case Hold Reason windows; Code updates; Added Load next image set in batch functionality to Preferences and Image Viewer; Added Force all typing to Uppercase throughout instance preference for Admin users21.4 Release
21.3.1March 2021

Error/bug fixes

21.3March 2021

AQI XML Version field; Deluxe DLM105 refund check format; Updates to support DMA e-statements (pay-by-text); Ability to use/not use On-Account Balance when calculating Account Balance on Statements

21.2Feb 2021AMA Copyright notice; Code updates; Image Viewer Fix Width and Fit Page functionality updates; AQI/ePreop report updates


21.1Jan 2021AQI/ePreop report updates; Removed Support menu hotkey


20.4.2Dec 2020Code updates


20.4.1Dec 2020Coding window updates; eClinical Works EDC updates; Cognizant rebranding; ePreop report updates; Moved Support links to new Support menu


20.4Nov 2020Cognizant rebranding; Practice/Affiliated Providers tab filter updates


20.3.2Sept 2020Added texting/electronic communication preferences to Facilities; Code updates 


20.3.1Sept 2020Error/bug fixes


20.3Sept 2020Added Send to AQI checkbox added; Updated case preference option to '>70 years old'; Added ability to post/deny multiple refunds simultaneously; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Charge Payment Posting Summary, Case Analysis Detail, Case Hold Detail


20.2.1June 2020Modified EDC screen layouts to properly display error messages


20.2May 2020Code updates; Base Class EMC updates; Credit card refund processing; Prevented plans from being assigned to more than one fee schedule; Modified search functionality on Payment Batches page; Streamlined Preferences options to omit items determined at the page level; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Charge Analysis Detail, Practice Performance Summary, Payment Batch Detail, Billing Analysis Group by Procedure Summary


20.1.1April 2020Code updates


20.1Mar 2020Charge Entry updates: new Case Holds tab (Charge Batches page), new Case & Claim Holds tab (Case: ID page), new Case Hold Reasons page; Added Ability Clearinghouse EMC; Added Hire/Term Date fields to Providers page; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Payment Analysis Detail, Case Hold Detail, AQI XML


19.1.10Feb 2020Error/bug fixes


19.1.9Jan 2020Added Enable Deductible Monitoring checkbox and functionality to support PayorLogic service


19.1.8Jan 2020Code updates


19.1.7Dec 2019Error/bug fixes


19.1.4Oct 2019Code updates; Added permission to allow users to delete modern report outputs for any user; Modified report: Survey Vitals


19.1.3Sept 2019Added ability to create payment plan at the account from from Guarantor Collections page; Added ability to assign default Next Action; Added/modified multiple reports, including: AQI, ePreop, Anesthesia Case Utilization


19.1.1Aug 2019Error/bug fixes


19.1Aug 2019Added Collections Admin page to consolidate collections information and activity in a single location; Moved the Guarantor Collections and Insurance Collections tabs to new Collections Admin page; Created new Collector Groups and Denial Collections tabs (Collections Admin page); Enhanced the Guarantor and Insurance tabs (Collections page) to include additional fields and new functionality; Added Fee Schedules Audit Trail; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Guarantor Collection Actions Detail, Insurance Collection Actions Detail


18.3.9July 2019Modified AQI XML Version field to include 2019 Version 1 option; Added Facility filter to ePreop and AQI reports.


18.3.8May 2019Code updates; Modified Edit Note functionality on Coding tab to view previous notes and make edits to it; Added Credit, EFT, and Lockbox Transaction Types to the Payment page; Added Account ID to Refunds page; Modified report: Insurance Collection Actions Detail


18.3.7Mar 2019Error/bug fixes


18.3.5Feb 2019Effective Date and Expiration Date added to the Create/Update Insurance windows; Modified fee schedules to capture modifier fee calculations as a percentage; Modified Fee Schedule field display; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Payment Analysis Detail, Case Analysis Detail


18.3.4Jan 2019Improved calculation time for report: FAS - Charges Billed Detail


18.3.3Jan 2019Error/bug fixes


18.3.2Dec 2018Updated invoice "Base" pricing to support Trizetto electronic claims; Code updates


18.3Dec 2018Added ability to copy Account Notes; Added Claim Holds designation to cases on Account/Active AR tab; Stop Pre-Coll button functionality updated to Suspend in the Stop File; Added functionality to select alternate Expected Fee Schedule to override default fee schedule in the Case / Procedures & Provider Time tab; Code updates; Confirmation window added to Post All function on the External Collection page; Fields added/updated on the Pending and Transaction tabs of the External Collections search window; Added New Image Batch window; Updated Password Policy disable functionality; Payment button added to the Case/Procedures & Provider time tab for payment entry; Expected Fee Schedule field added to Distribution page; Bill CRNA Only option added to the Plan/Anesthesia tab; Added ability to print preview statements with marking statements as printed; Modified report: Charge Analysis Detail


18.3 Release Overview

18.2.3Sept 2018Added Show Password option to Create/Reset Password windows; Added Date of Service search option to Pre-Collections/Start Files page


18.2.2Aug 2018Error/bug fixes


18.2Aug 2018Added Claim Inquiry Request and View Claim Status functionality; Added Denial Management / Denial Code Groups tab; Modified Denial Management functionality; Added new fields to External Collections/ Pending tab; Added ability to customize Home page and auto-launch up to three pages upon logging into Connect; Added Search button to Image Batches tabs to facilitate searches; New Quality topic added to house Outcomes, Outcome Groups, AQI reports; Added new Transaction Type and Payment Type fields to Payment Batch Information tab and relevant reports; Added case alert option to Preferences/Case tab


18.2 Release Overview
18.1.2July 2018Code updates


18.1.1May 2018Added AQI changes; Modified logic to require City field on plan's address; Added New Balance field on Guarantor Payment / Distribution tab to calculate balance following an adjustment; Modified report: ePreop


18.1April 2018Roll-to process modifications; Added new Refund Note Type to the Accounts/Notes page; Added ability to select new Responsible Party for service fee line during insurance recoup; New Statement Hold Removal section added to Practice/Statements tab; Transworld rebranded as Pre-Collections in Connect; Roles permission updates; Added ability to auto-generate statements for practices configured for DMA; Added/modified multiple reports,  including: Account Note Detail, Audit Trail, External Collection Analysis Detail, Case Analysis Detail, Claim Activity Detail, External Collection Payment Detail


18.1 Release Overview
4.8.1Jan 2018Error/bug fixes


4.8Jan 2018Notes functionality now opens new Note: Account [ID] page; Notes search functionality; Modified Search Criteria window layout on all Claims page tabs; New merge fields added to Collection Letters; Added override functionality to contractual write-off amount on non-primary payments; New paper refund check format; Added folders to modern reports in Back Office; Added/modified multiple reports, including: Insurance Payment Denial Detail, Financial Transaction reports, 12 Month Payment Waterfall Summary, Practice Performance Summary (DOS), Charge Analysis Detail, Account Adjustment Analysis, Case Outcome DetailsCNCT_4.8_Final.pdf4.8 Release Overview
4.7.3Jan 2018Error/bug fixes


4.7.2Dec 2017Error/bug fixes


4.7.1Nov 2017Error/bug fixes


4.7Oct 2017Added fields to Insurance Information window; Code Updates; Added ability to assign Payer ID to ERA file without one; Rebill 2 functionality modifications; Added/modified multiple reports, including: AQI, Provider Details; Patient Responsibility Detail, Charge Analysis Detail, Outcome DetailsCNCT_4.7.pdf4.7 Release Overview
4.6.6Oct 2017Error/bug fixes


4.6.3Aug 2017Error/bug fixes


4.6July 2017Added ability to clone submitted cases; Setting claim holds and release dates at the case level; Claims search functionality; Paper claim form customization; Fee Schedules moved to Enterprise-level; Added Messages page and functionality; Added new Generate one claim per provider option; Added "contains" search functionality to Payment Batches; Added ability to affiliate referring providers to practices and facilities; Scheduled and Output tabs added to the Reports page; Reports scheduling; Page layout updated for the User and Role pages; Security and Admin topic permissions; Reports DashboardCNCT_4.6.pdf4.6 Release Overview
4.5.14June 2017Added ability to copy Charge Batch from one Practice to another; New fields added to Payment pages; Suspense payment updates


4.5.12May 2017Ability to update Custom Field values on submitted cases


4.5.11April 2017Code Updates


4.5.9Mar 2017Error/bug fixes


4.5.7Feb 2017Modified reports, including: Deposit Analysis Detail, Charge Analysis Detail


4.5.5Jan 2017Error/bug fixes


4.5.3Jan 2017Rebill functionality modifications; Revenue Advantage file updates; Modified reports, including: ePreop


4.5.2Dec 2016Code Updates


4.5Dec 2016Password Policy UpdatesCNCT_4.5.pdf4.5 Release Overview
4.4.3Oct 2016Code Updates


4.4.2Oct 2016Added ability to attach images to account-level SVCFEs, IPYMTs, and GPYMTs


4.4Sept 2016Added ability to create Procedure Codes (pseudo codes); Added ability to attach images to Guarantor Accounts; Added Charge Received Date field to Charge Batch and Coding form; Added Facility field to Distribution page for insurance payments; Code Updates


4.4 Release Overview
4.3July 2016New Revenue Advantage page and functionality added; Added/modified multiple reports, including: AQI, Fides, Charge Analysis Detail


4.3 Release Overview
4.2June 2016Connect Portal launched; 30 new reports; Added custom Case fields functionality


4.2 Release Overview
4.1April 2016Concurrency Log functionality; Hotkey/button names updated for application consistencyCNCT_4.1.pdf4.1 Release Overview
4.0.25Feb 2016Code Updates


4.0.24Feb 2016Claims Hold functionality updates; Modified report: AQI


4.0.17Dec 2015General updates to Charge Entry, Payment Entry, and External Collections functionality



4.0 Release Overview
3.9.7June 2015General updates to Cases, Claims, and Outcomes functionality; Modified report: AQI


3.9.6Apr 2015General updates to Claims and Roles functionality


3.9.5March 2015General updates to AQI/Outcomes, Claims, Facilities, and Plans functionality


3.9.4Nov 2014General updates to AQI, Facilities, Financial Classes, Charge Entry, Claims, Credit Balances, Payment Batches, People, and Preferences functionality


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