Complete this task to transfer a pending external collection transaction back to the guarantor account in active AR as a service fee line.

You can only deny one pending external collection transaction at a time.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the External Collections / Pending tab, search and select the Practice to which the external collection transaction(s) is associated.

2Select the pending external collection transaction (service fee line pending transfer) to be denied.

Click Deny. The Deny External Collection Transfer window opens.

4Enter the reason the service fee line is not being transferred from active AR to external collections in the Note field.
5Click OK. The Create Collection Task window opens, asking if the user would like to create a collector guarantor task.

Click No to close the window and not create a task.


Click Yes. The Create Action window opens.

7Create the action.
See Creating Collection Actions for additional information.
8Click OK.
The pending external collection transaction is transferred from external collections back to active AR as an active service fee line and no longer appears on the Pending tab. Upon denial, the balance of the service fee line in active AR returns to the amount of the outstanding balance that was transferred to external collections.

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