Complete this task to retrieve eligible service fee lines from active AR and to select them for transfer to external collections. 

The Add function retrieves all eligible service lines from guarantor accounts in active AR. After the service fee lines are retrieved from active AR, the service fee lines are listed on the Add External Collection Transactions window. When this window is first opened, all eligible service fee lines are listed. Use the Search button to filter the service fee lines by outstanding balance, age, or both. If there are no eligible service fee lines to retrieve from active AR, the Add External Collection Transactions window is blank. You can select one or more service fee lines for transfer, but only those service fee lines that have an outstanding balance in guarantor responsibility. You cannot transfer service fee lines that have zero or credit balances.

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


From the External Collections / Pending tab, click Add. The Add External Collection Transactions window opens.


Open the Practice drop down list and select the practice for which you are searching for service fee lines to transfer to external collections.


(Optional) Enter the additional search criteria in the appropriate fields:

  • Accounts with balance greater than
  • Service fees older than (days)


Click OK. The Add External Collection Transactions window opens.

This window also includes a key to the activity that has occurred on the service fee line. Use this key to determine the line item status and the current financial responsibility for the service fee line.

5Review the service fee line items.

Only those service fee lines that have an outstanding balance in guarantor responsibility are displayed.

Information displayed for the service fee lines include:


The account number of the guarantor account from which the service fee line is being transferred to external collections.

GuarantorThe name of the guarantor responsible for the account from which the service fee line is being transferred to external collections.

The date of the transaction for the line item. This table includes descriptions of how the date is recorded for each activity code.

Activity CodeDescription
BALANCEThe date of the most recent activity on the SVCFE line item.
CLAIMThe date the claim was submitted to the payer.
GPYMTThe date the guarantor payment was posted.
MADJNThe date the adjustment was approved for a SVCFE line item adjustment. For a payment adjustment the date is blank.
MADJPThe date the adjustment was approved for a SVCFE line item adjustment. For a payment adjustment the date is blank.

The date the insurance payment was posted. All sub-entries for this activity use this date, for example, COINS (coinsurance), COPAY (copay), DEDUC (deductible) and WHOLD (withhold).

For the CWOFF (contractual write-off) sub-entry, the date is the posted date of the parent IPYMT.

For the RCODE (reason code) sub-entry, the date is blank.

ONACCTThe date the on-account transaction was posted.
SVCFEThe date of service for the procedure.
Activity Type

The itemized activity associated with a service fee (SVCFE) line item, which represents the billable medical procedure on a case. The SVCFE activity code is the parent to all activity for a sub-entries recorded on the service fee line item and is a means for grouping this activity. Sub-entries on a service fee line item are recorded as independent activity codes according to the type of activity. Each sub-entry is nested under its parent activity code, as shown in the following example:


The description details of an AR account activity. The first line is the service fee (SVCFE) line item for which the procedure is being billed. The SVCFE code indicates the parent of a single billable item on a case. Transaction activity recorded on the service fee line item is indented, as shown in the following example:

PatientThe name of the person who received medical services for the service fee line being transferred to external collections.

The amount billed on the procedure (SVCFE) line item. The following example shows the entries for a procedure billed for one provider:

If the procedure is being billed for multiple providers, this amount will be the calculated split amount and listed on separate SVCFE line items. If the payer is configured to allow charges for multiple providers to be billed on separate claims, individual SVCFE and CLAIM line items will be created for each claim.

The following example show a 50/50 split between two providers billed on the same claim:


The unpaid balance on the SVCFE line item or the credit balance on the ONACCT line item. The balance is color-code based on financial responsibility. The following key shows the color coding:

GuarantorApplies to the unpaid balance for which the guarantor is responsible.
Credit BalanceApplies to the ONACCT activity code for which a payment has been received from a guarantor for a service fee that has not yet been billed.

6Mark the Select checkbox for each service fee line item of guarantor accounts for transfer from active AR to external collections.

To select all service fee lines at one time, click Select All.

To clear all selections at one time, click Select None.

7Click OK to transfer the selected service fee line items to external collections and close the Add External Collection Transactions window.
Click Cancel to make no changes and close the window.

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