Complete this task to reassign an external collection transaction from one external collection agency to another.

The reassignment is recorded as AGTFR activity code on the external collection transaction being reassigned and as EXCOL on the reassigned external collection transaction. The outstanding balance from the external collection transaction being reassigned is transferred as an external collection transaction to the external collection agency it is being assigned to. To see this activity, select the Show Zero Balances checkbox. 

You can only reassign one external collection transaction at a time.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the External Collections / Transactions tab, search and select the Practice to which the external collection transaction(s) is associated.

2Select the external collection transaction to be reassigned.
You cannot reassign an external collection transaction that has a zero balance.

Click Reassign. The Reassign External Collection Transaction window opens.

4Open the Agency drop down list and select the external collection agency to assign the external collection transaction.

5Enter the Accounting Date to be used.
If your practice is not configured for accounting dates, the Accounting Date option is unavailable.
6Click OK to reassign the external collection transaction.

The external collection transactions are updated with the AGTFR and EXCOL activity codes.

Click Cancel to make no changes and close the window.


(Optional) Select the Show Zero Balances checkbox on the Transactions tab to show all external collections regardless of account balance.

  • The AGTFR activity code appears as a sub-entry under the original external collection transaction (EXCOL) with the amount transferred as a negative amount, resulting in a zero balance.

  • The EXCOL activity code appears as a new external collection transaction for the external collection agency to which the external collection transaction was assigned with the amount transferred as a positive amount, resulting in an outstanding balance.

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