Complete this task to adjust the outstanding balance of an external collection transaction.

The outstanding balance on an external collection transaction can be increased or decreased based on the miscellaneous adjustment MADJN or MADJP activity code. The transaction code associated with the activity code specifies the reason for the adjustment, for example, deceased patient (DECEA). The MADJN activity code is recorded as a negative amount and the MADJP activity code is recorded as a positive amount in external collections.

You can only apply an adjustment to the EXCOL activity code.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the External Collections / Transactions tab, search and select the Practice to which the external collection transaction(s) is associated.

2Select the external collection transaction (EXCOL) to be adjusted.

Click Adjust. The External Collection Transaction Adjustment window opens.

4Open the Type drop down list and select the transaction code for the adjustment.
This transaction code will increase or decrease the outstanding balance by the amount specified in the next step.
5Enter the Amount of the adjustment.
6Enter the Accounting Date to be used.
If your practice is not configured for accounting dates, the Accounting Date option is unavailable.
7Click OK.

The outstanding balance of the external collection transaction is increased or decreased based on the transaction code and the amount of the adjustment.

Click Cancel to make no changes and close the window.

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