
The Manage menu contains the menu commands for managing the various functions in Connect Back Office.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:Via Shortcut Keys:
  • Click Manage from the menu bar.
  • Press [Alt]+[M].


Menu Option Definitions

Menu Option

Shortcut Keys 




Opens the Accounts page to update account information related to active AR and collections. You can also update contact information, suspend statements, print a statement for an account, or update general notes on the account.

Address Corrections


Opens the Address Corrections page to manage address corrections from an imported address update file.

Charge Batches


Opens the Charge Batches page to create, update, or delete charge batches and cases.



Opens the Claims page to manage electronic claims submitted to a clearinghouse or payer, payer reports, and paper claims.

Collection Letters


Opens the Collection Letters page to print collection letters generated for guarantor and insurance collection tasks.



Opens the Collections page where you can create, update, or delete collections.

Credit Balances


Opens the Credit Balances page to manage credit balances on Service Line and On Account balances.

External Collections


Opens the External Collections page to work with service fee lines of guarantor accounts that have been transferred from guarantor collections to external collections.

Image Batches


Opens the Image Batches page to attach and view charge batches and payment batches that contain sets of images related to documents pertaining to medical, charge, and payment records. For example, hospital admission forms, checks, and EOBs.

Misc Income


Opens the Misc Income page to view transactions and reverse or refund transactions in miscellaneous income.

Payment Batches


Opens the Payment Batches page to create, update, or delete payment batches.


Not applicable

Opens the People page to manage the person records in the Connect platform.



Opens the Pre-Collections page where you can create and export files for transferring accounts to the pre-collections service. Your practice must be enrolled with the pre-collection service and your Connect platform must be configured by Cognizant to use this functionality. If these conditions are not met, the Pre-Collections option is not available from the Manage menu.



Opens the Refunds page to view transactions and post refunded payments.


Not applicable

Opens the Reports page to view and run standard Back Office reports.

Revenue AdvantageNot applicableOpens the Revenue Advantage page to export call files to Revenue Advantage and commit call results to the relevant guarantor accounts.

Statement Batches


Opens the Statement Batches page to create, update, or delete statement batches.



Opens the Suspense page to view transactions, distribute monies in Suspense, and refund monies from Suspense.

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