Complete this task to transfer service fee lines of a guarantor account in guarantor collections from active AR to external collections.
The transfer function retrieves all eligible service lines of the guarantor account from active AR. After the service fee lines are retrieved from active AR, the service fee lines are listed on the Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window. If there are no eligible service fee lines to retrieve from active AR, the Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window is blank.
When Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window is first opened, all eligible service fee lines are listed. Use the Search button to filter the service fee lines by outstanding balance, age, or both.
Use Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collection window to select the service fee lines for transfer to external collections. Select only those service fee lines that have outstanding balances. You cannot transfer any service fee lines with zero or credit balances. Upon transfer, the service fee lines are queued as pending external collection transactions and are listed on the Pending tab of the External Collections page. Upon posting, the balance of the service fee line in active AR becomes zero. The balance of the external collection transaction becomes the amount of the outstanding balance that was transferred to external collections.
Step-By-Step Guide
Additional Information
From the Guarantortab, select the guarantor account to transfer.
Multiple accounts can be selected for transfer by holding the CTRL key and selecting the necessary accounts.
Click Ext. Transfer. The Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window opens.
The Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window displays all service fee lines that are eligible for transfer. It may include a list of service fee lines that have been retrieved from active AR, but not yet selected for transfer to external collections.
(Optional) To filter the service fee lines:
Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
Open the Practice drop down and select the relevant practice.
To filter by outstanding balance, enter the amount in the Accounts with balance greater than field.
To filter by age, enter the number of days in the Service Fees older than (days) field.
Click OK.
To clear filtering criteria, click Search.
To close the Search Criteria window without specifying search criteria, click Cancel.
If you enter search criteria in both search fields, the service fee line must meet both thresholds to be filtered.
Example: A filter consisting of only those service fee lines that have an outstanding balance of $200.00 or more and are 60 days old. Enter 199.00 in the Accounts with balance greater than option and 59 in the Service Fees older than (days) option.
Select the service fee line(s) to transfer from active AR to external collections.
The service fee lines must have outstanding balances to be transferred to external collections.
To select all service fee lines, click Select All. A checkmark appears in the checkbox of the Select column for each service fee line.
To select one or more service fee lines in a group, select a line and then hold the CTRL key to select additional lines.
To clear the selections you have made, click Select None. The checkbox of the Select column for each service fee line becomes blank.
Click OK. The service fee lines selected are moved from the Transfer Guarantor Collection to External Collections window to the Pending tab in external collections.
A collection task action is created for the transfer. If all service fee lines are transferred to external collections, the guarantor account is removed from guarantor collections. If any service fee lines remain on the guarantor account, the guarantor account remains in guarantor collections.
The EXCOL activity code is entered on the SVCFE line in active AR as pending. The service fee lines will remain in pending until they are denied or posted in external collections. Upon posting, the balance of the service fee line in active AR becomes zero. The balance of the external collection transaction becomes the amount of the outstanding balance that was transferred to external collections.
From the External Collections page > Pending tab, post or deny the service fee lines.