Complete this task to create a case or payment scan batch for images related to cases/charges (for example, anesthesia record or encounter form) or payments (for example, explanation of benefits, check, or deposit slip).

Images are grouped in image sets. A scan batch can have one or more sets. An image set can contain one or more scanned documents, imported images, or both. Each image set contains only the images related to a specific charge or payment.

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


From the Image Batches > Scan Batches tab, click Create (or press [Alt] + C). The New Image Batch window opens.

2(Optional) Enter any information or description about the image batch in the Description field.

Open the Practice drop down list and select the practice for which the image batch will be created.

If the user only has one practice, it auto-populates the Practice field and does not have to be selected.
4Open the Batch Type drop down list and select the type of batch being scanned: Charge or Payment.
5(Optional) Open the Facility drop down list to select the facility to use for the scan batch.
This field is only used for Charge Batches.

(Optional) Enter or select the date of service to use as the date of service for all cases in the charge batch in the Date of Service field.

This field is only used for Charge Batches.

(Optional) Enter or select the date to use as the Charge Received date for all cases in the charge batch.

This field is only used for Charge Batches.
8(Optional) Open the Payer drop down list and select the payer who issued all the payments in the payment batch.
This field is only used for Payment Batches.
9(Optional) Open the Plan drop down list and select the plan that belongs to the selected payer.
This field is only used for Payment Batches.
This field is dynamic and the drop down options will update based on the payer selected.
10When finished, click Save.
The Image Viewer page opens for scanning or importing the image set.

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