Use this task to modify a practice.

The practice configuration includes information collected on the following tabs:

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


General Practice Information Tab

From the Practices page, select the practice to be updated.


Click Update. The Practice: [name] page opens with the General Practice Information tab displayed to collect or modify demographic information and business rules for aging accounts receivables and determining the rendering provider on anesthesia cases.

Update the relevant information via the applicable steps below...


In the Practice Name and Address section, select the Practice Type option:

  • Group
  • Solo Provider

4Enter the name of the practice in the Practice Name field.
5(Optional) If Solo Provider is selected for the Practice Type, enter the name of the provider who owns the practice in the Solo Name field.

Last and First names are required for a solo name, with the Middle and Suffix field being optional.

6Enter of the street address for the practice in the Address line 1 and line 2 fields, if applicable.
7Enter the zip code for the practice in the Zip Code field.
8(Optional) Enter the name of the city for the practice in the City field.

The City field auto-populates based on the value entered for the Zip Code field, but can be updated, if necessary. 

9(Optional) Open the State drop down list and select the state for the practice.

The State field auto-populates based on the value entered for the Zip Code field, but can be updated, if necessary. 

10(Optional) Select the Use practice's state as default checkbox if the state of the practice will be the default value for all states entered when creating records that require a state
11In the Remittance Address section, select the Same as physical address checkbox to use the same practice address entered in the Practice Name and Address section for the remittance address.
12If the Same as physical address checkbox is not selected, then populate the remittance address details in the Address, City, State, and Zip Code fields.

If the Same as physical address checkbox is selected, then no further address information is needed in this section, and you may proceed to the next step.

13In the Anesthesia Rendering Provider Selection section, open the Rendering drop down list and select the option for determining the rendering provider for billing purposes.
14In the Phone Numbers section, enter the name of the primary contact for the practice in the Contact Name field.
15Enter the phone number for the primary contact of the practice in the Contact Number and Ext. fields.
16(Optional) Enter the facsimile number of the practice in the Fax Number and Ext. fields.
17(Optional) Enter the telephone number where you want to direct billing inquiries in the Billing Inquiries and Ext. fields.
18In the Tax ID section, open the Tax ID Number drop down list and select the format the practice uses for reporting tax information.
19In the EIN or SSN field, enter the practice's Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number.

This field varies depending on the option selected in the Tax ID Number field.

20In the AR Aging Buckets section,  specify the number of days for each aging bucket in the Intervals (days) fields.
21In the Account Dates section, select the Charge option to specify the date used for recording charges in Back Office: Date of Service, Posted Date, or Accounting Date.

By default, Date of Service is selected, indicating charges are tracked and reported by the date of service, regardless of when the charge is posted or entered.

22Select the Payment option to specify the date used for recording payments in Back Office: Posted Date or Accounting Date. By default, Posted Date is selected, indicating payments are tracked and reported by the date the payment is posted regardless of when the payment is entered.
By default, Posted Date is selected, indicating payments are tracked and reported by the date the payment is posted, regardless of when the payment is entered.
23If Accounting Date is selected for the Charge option, then enter or select the date that charges can be accepted in charge entry in the Active Date field.

This step is skipped if Date of Service or Posted Date is selected above.

After Accounting Dates are configured, do not change the method of tracking financial activity. If you do, reports will not reflect accurate information.

24In the Account Prefix section, enter a 1 to 3 letter alpha prefix.

The account prefix populates on statements and collection letters.

25Click Apply. 

Affiliated Facilities Tab

Click the Affiliated Facilities tab to update the facilities affiliated with the practice or modify a facility-specific, custom billing provider address.


Select the checkboxes next to the facility names of all facilities associated with the practice.


Remove the checkmark from the facility to remove the affiliation to the practice.

When the facility is no longer affiliated with the practice, clear the checkmark.


(Optional) To assign a facility-specific billing provider address:

  1. Select the facility in the table.
  2. Select the Facility Specific option in the Custom Billing Provider Address section.
  3. Enter the address in the Address, City, State, and Zip Code fields.
  4. Click Save.

The Facility Specific option can only be used for Medicare claims within the state of Texas.

29Click Apply. 

Affiliated Providers Tab

Click the Affiliated Providers tab to update the affiliated providers list used in Connect Back Office for specifying the provider who treated the patient on the case.


Select the filter options to view desired information. Options include:


  • Practice (Default selection)
  • Referring


  • All Providers (Default selection)
  • Affiliated Providers
  • Unaffiliated Providers


Select the checkbox of any provider to affiliate to the practice.


Remove the checkmark from the provider to remove the affiliation to the practice.

  • If viewing All Providers, select the checkbox of any provider to affiliate to the facility. Once selected, the provider appears in the Affiliated Providers list.
  • If viewing Affiliated Providers, select the checkbox of any provider to remove from the Affiliated Providers list and automatically add it to the Unaffiliated Providers list.

  • If viewing Unaffiliated Providers, select the checkbox of any provider to remove from the Unaffiliated Providers list and automatically add it to the Affiliated Providers list.

33Click Apply.

Group Numbers Tab

Click the Group Numbers tab to record or modify the general or facility-specific group NPI numbers for the practice.


Select the Group NPI Type option to identify how individual provider groups are identified for the practice:

  • General
  • Facility-Specific 


If General was selected for the Group NPI Type, then enter the group NPI numbers for the following provider groups:

  • Physicians Group
  • PA Group
  • CRNA Group
  • AA Group

The group NPI number is validated to make sure that it has a valid check digit. If it does not, an error message is displayed.

37In the Taxonomy Codes section, open a provider group's drop down list and select a specialty.

If Facility-Specific was selected for the Group NPI Type, the Facility-Specific table is enabled for input. Enter the gropus NPI numbers for the following provider groups at each facility:

  • Physician Group
  • CRNA Group
  • PA Group
  • AA Group

The group NPI number is validated to make sure that it has a valid check digit. If it does not, an error message is displayed.

39Click Apply.

Statements Tab

Click the Statements tab to update the configuration rules for generating statements.


In the Content section, select the relevant option(s):

  • Include Rendering Physician Name
  • Only Use Remittance Address on Statements 


Select the Show credit card payment options checkbox, if applicable.

  • If selected, mark the relevant credit cards accepted by the practice. Selected options will display on the statement.

43Enter the office hours in the Office Hours field. e.g., Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
44Open the Statement Language drop down list and select the language in which the statement is printed.

Enter the message to print for the aging interval.

A different message can be entered for each internal. The interval periods are based on the intervals defined on the General Practice Information tab.

46Select the Payment resets statement message level checkbox, if applicable.

In the Procedure Description section, select the procedure description to be printed on the generated statement.

  • If Custom is selected, enter the text for the different scenarios:
    • Non-anesthesia procedure
    • Anesthesia procedure performed by Physician
    • Anesthesia procedures performed by non-Physician 

48In the Frequency section, enter the interval (in days) which statements will be generated in the Allow statement to be generated for an account every ___ days field.

The value defaults to 28 days, but can be updated to a number between 1 and 28.


In the Suppression section, select the relevant option(s):

  • Do not generate if account has a credit balance, a zero balance, or a balance less than $___
    • If this option is selected, enter the balance amount in the open field 
  • Do not generate if the account is flagged as Returned Mail


In the Address Correction section, select the relevant option(s):

  • Automatically apply NCOA/ACS address updates
  • Automatically apply Returned Mail Status

These fields are read-only and not editable if statement vendor services have not been set up by Solutions for the practice.

51Click Apply.

Refunds Tab

Click the Refunds tab to configure or modify refund options for printing checks or exporting check information to a third-party accounting package.


Open the Print Options drop down list and select one of the available options.


Update the applicable fields to print on the check when processing refunds.

  • For Deluxe DLM255, open the Top: Reference Number drop down list and select Account Number or Blank to determine if the guarantor account number is printed as the Reference Number in the top voucher section of the check.
  • For Deluxe DLT104, DLT103, LMP100, or LMP12 checks, specify if you want to print the refund description in the Memo field on the check. By default, the Payee Name and Address print in the middle section, but can be removed by changing the selection to Blank.
  • For Intuit Standard 3, specify if you want to print the refund description in the Memo field on the check. By default, the Payee Name and Address print in the Address field, but can be removed by changing the selection to Blank.

The Check Printing Format Options will vary depending on the Print Option selected.

55Clint Print Preview to see the layout of the information will be print on the check.
56Click Apply.

Outcomes Tab

Click the Outcomes tab to manage outcomes at the practice level.

58Select the checkbox in the Default column for each outcomes to auto-populate when clicking Add Group during charge entry. (Case > Outcomes > Add Group).
59Enter the alphanumeric modifier for the AQI ASA measure associated with the outcome in the Default Value Modifier field. This field can accept up to five characters.

This field can accept up to five characters. It is required for each outcome in which the Default option is selected.

60Click Apply.

Miscellaneous Tab

Click the Miscellaneous tab to set options for processing case information, payments, and other pertinent information in Connect Back Office.


(Optional) Select and update the relevant miscellaneous options, if applicable.

Refer to the Miscellaneous Tab topic for additional details about the available options.

63Click Apply.

Provider Groups Tab

Click the Provider Groups tab to group providers.

65To add a new provider group, click Create. The Provider Group: New page opens.

An existing provider group can also be updated (add or remove providers, change name or description, etc.) by selecting the user group and clicking Update.

66Enter the name of the group in the Name field.
67Enter a description for the group in the Description field.
68Select the provider(s) to add to the group from the Available Providers list.

Multiple providers can be selected by holding down the [Ctrl] key while selecting providers. 

Click the Add () arrow to move the selected provider(s) to the Group Members list.

Repeat the steps for adding providers to the group as needed to add all relevant providers.

Use the Remove () arrow to remove a provider from the Group Members list.
70Click Apply.
71Click Save to save and close the page. 

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