Complete this task to refund monies posted to Suspense from an IPYMT on a guarantor account, or from miscellaneous income.
If the refund from Suspense is denied, the original transaction remains in the pending state.
Refunded monies are recorded on the Refundspage by payee.
Step-By-Step Guide
Additional Information
From the Suspense page, select the Suspense transaction to refund.
Click Refund. The Suspense Refund window opens.
Enter the amount of the refund in the Refund field.
Enter the reason or any additional information related to the refund in the Refund Description field.
In the Refund Details section, verify the name and address of the recipient is correct. If the recipient is someone other than the guarantor or payer, enter the information to whom the refund will be issued and mailed in the appropriate spaces.
For a guarantor payment, this information is the guarantor name and address.
For an insurance payment, the information is the payer name and address.
Click OK to save and close the Suspense Refund window.
The REFND sub-entry is recorded under the applicable activity type on the Suspense page. The refund transaction is recorded on the Refundspage by payee.