Complete this task to create a statement batch containing all statements eligible for printing. Eligibility is based on statement frequency, which is defined at the practice level. The statement batch might also include regenerated versions of statements originally generated in a prior statement batch, but were not printed from that statement batch. These statements still have an Unprinted status.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the Statement Batches page, click Create. The Create Statement Batch window opens.

Statements can be printed at any time. You cannot delete a statement batch.

Select one or multiple practices to include in the statement batch.

  • Click Select All to select all practices.
  • Click Select Note to deselect all practices.

If you only have access to one practice, the practice is selected by default and this step is skipped.


Click OK. The Generate Batch progress window opens.


All eligible statements are generated and added to a statement batch.

  • If a statement batch is successfully created, the following message appears.

  • If there are no statements to be generated, the following message appears:
When the process is completed, the newly created statement batch is listed on the Statement Batches page.
5Upon completion, click Close to close the Statement Batches page. 




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