
The Suspense page shows all monies transferred to Suspense. Each transaction has a unique code based on the type of activity. The transaction codes are listed in the Activity Type column.

  • The financial activity is recorded as GSUSP.
  • The informational activity is recorded as a subtype activity code: GSOAT, GSGPR, or GSIPR.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  • Click Suspense from the Manage list.
  • Open the Manage menu and select Suspense.
  • Press [Alt] + [M] + [U].


Field Definitions






Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)

YesThe practice associated with the Suspense line transaction.

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)

YesThe date the Suspense transaction or sub-entry was entered. The date appears in mm/dd/yyyy format. If a payment that is transferred to Suspense has not been posted, (pending) will appear in this column. After the payment is posted, the (pending) status is updated to the date the payment is posted.
Activity Type

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)


The itemized activity associated with the following activity codes:


A sub-entry of the GPYMT, IPYMT, or ONACCT activity code that represents the amount of a guarantor payment, insurance payment, or On-Account amount transferred to Suspense. This sub-entry has a positive effect on the account balance.

The GSUSP activity code generates sub-entries of GSOAT, GSGPR, and GSIPR, which represent the type of transfer. These sub-entries appear on the Suspense page as a subtype code of the GSUSP activity type.

RVMISThe activity code on the Suspense page that represents the amount of the SMISC entry transferred from miscellaneous income to Suspense funds because of a reversal. The description for this entry is Reversal from miscellaneous income: [description]. For example, Reversal from miscellaneous income: Reversing charges for copying medical records.
IPYMTThe activity code on the Suspense page that represents the amount of an insurance payment that was transferred directly to Suspense funds. The description for this entry is Transfer from payment: [payment ID]: [description]. For example, Transfer from payment: 283: interest payment.
GPYMTThe activity code on the Suspense page that represents the amount of a guarantor payment that was transferred directly to Suspense funds. The description for this entry is Transfer from payment: [payment ID]: [description]. For example, Transfer from payment: 283: interest payment.

The GSUSP activity code represents a Suspense entry from a reversed payment on any type of account. The GSUSP activity code is the parent to the sub-entries recorded on the Suspense entry and is a means for grouping this activity. Sub-entries on the Suspense entry are recorded as independent activity codes according to the type of activity. Each sub-entry is nested under the GSUSP parent activity code. Sub-entry activity codes under GSUSP include: REFNDSDISTR and SMISC:

REFNDThe sub-entry of the SMISC activity code that represents the amount of the Suspense funds refunded. This sub-entry has a negative effect on the balance of the Suspense entry (SMISC). The date for this sub-entry is recorded as the date the refund was entered. The description is shown in the following format: Refund to [recipient]: [description of refund (reason)]. For example, Refund to Jane Doe: Overpayment.
SDISTRThe sub-entry of the GSUSP activity code that represents the amount of the Suspense funds distributed to a service line (SVCFE) in a guarantor account. This sub-entry has a negative effect on the balance of the Suspense entry (GSUSP). The date for this sub-entry is recorded as the date the distribution was entered. The description is shown in the following format: Distribution to [guarantor name]: [description of distribution]. For example, Distribution to Doe, Jane: Payment applied to wrong service line.
SMISCThe sub-entry of the RVSUS activity code that represents the amount of the Suspense funds distributed to miscellaneous income. This sub-entry has or negative affect on the balance of the Suspense entry (RVSUS). The date for this sub-entry is recorded as the date the distribution was entered. The description is shown in the following format: Transfer to miscellaneous income: [description of distribution]. For example, Transfer to miscellaneous income: Collection of fees for copying medical records.

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)


The following are sub-entry codes of the GSUSP activity code that appear on the Suspense page from a payment reversal in the active AR and represent the type of transaction that was recorded on the reversed payment:

Activity CodeDescriptionActivity Type


Transfer to Suspense from ONACCT activity code



Transfer to Suspense from GPYMT activity code



Transfer to Suspense from IPYMT activity code


The following is a list of the subtype codes:

Subtype CodeDescription




Over payment


Pre-pay (only applicable for Guarantor payments)


Unknown source/cannot identify

Check #

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)

NoThe number of the check from which the amount transferred to Suspense originated.

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)

NoThe party that submitted the check. This could be the insurance company, an individual, or an organization. It includes Payer and Plan (if exists) details.

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)

YesThe description details of the activity that has occurred on a Suspense item. The description includes the activity that has occurred and the description entered in the originating transactions, for example, guarantor payment reversal, distribution from Suspense, refund from Suspense. Also noted in the field is the Account Number & Patient Name for the transaction.

Display Only

(pulled from created Suspense transaction)


The amount of the Suspense transaction. Money transferred to Suspense (the originating transaction) is recorded as a positive number. Money transferred from Suspense (distribution or refund) is recorded as a negative number.





The running balance of the actual activity that has occurred on the Suspense entry and shows the actual balance in Suspense.

Activity TypeEffect on Balance














Suspense Balance




The sum of the Balance column.

Check Information Section

Displays detailed information about the check selected in the Suspense table.

Check #

Display Only

(pulled from payment associated with Suspense transaction)

YesThe number of the check from which the amount transferred to Suspense originated.
Check Amount

Display Only

(pulled from payment associated with Suspense transaction)

YesThe amount of the check.
Check Date

Display Only

(pulled from payment associated with Suspense transaction)

YesThe date the remitter inscribed or printed on the check.
Accounting Date

Display Only

(pulled from payment associated with Suspense transaction)

YesThe date that is used as the accounting date for tracking Suspense transactions and reporting this activity in Connect Portal. This information is required if your practice is configured for accounting dates. If your practice is not configured for accounting dates, this option does not apply.

Display Only

(pulled from payment associated with Suspense transaction)

YesThe party that submitted the check. This could be the insurance company, an individual, or an organization.
Payment BatchLinkYesClick this link to open the payment batch that includes the highlighted payment.
Show Zero BalancesCheckboxNoCheck this option to include Suspense transactions with zero balances in the transaction table.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Search[Alt] + [S]

To search and locate suspense transactions.

  1. Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.
View Trans[Alt] + [V]To open a read-only view of the transaction that created the Suspense entry.
  1. Select the transaction to view.
  2. Click View Trans. The relevant page associated with the selected line item opens with the details of the transaction, e.g., Payment [ID], Account [ID].
Distribute[Alt] + [D]To distribute monies to a guarantor account or to miscellaneous income.Distribute Monies from Suspense
Distribute as IPYMT[Alt] + [I]To distribute monies as insurance payments.Distribute Monies from Suspense as IPYMT.
Refund[Alt] + [R]To create a refund transaction from Suspense.Refunding Suspense
Reverse[Alt] + [E]To reverse a refund transaction.Reversing Suspense
Print[Alt] + [P]To print Suspense transaction details.
  1. From the Suspense page, click Print. The Suspense Detail report opens.
  2. Use the report toolbar to preview, save, or print the report.
  3. Click the  in the upper right corner of the report to close it.

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