
The Service Lines tab is a table listing pertinent information for accounts with an On-Account credit balance.

How to Get Here?

From the Home Page:From the Menus:Via Shortcut Keys:
  1. Click Credit Balances from the Manage list.
  2. Click the On Account tab.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Credit Balances.
  2. Click the On Account tab.
  1. Press [Alt] + [M] + [N].
  2. Click the On Account tab.


Field Definitions





Account ID

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(pulled from Case)


The unique identification number for the account to which the service line is associated. Click on the hyperlink to open the associated guarantor account.


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(pulled from Case)

YesThe practice associated with the service line that has a credit balance.

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(pulled from Case)

YesThe guarantor associated with the account.
Account Balance

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YesThe current balance on the guarantor account (identical to the Account Balance on the Act: [ID] > Active AR tab).
On-Account Balance

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YesThe net value of all On-Account transactions, including transfers from Suspense transactions, reversed payments, refunds, and service line distributions.
Service Line Grid

After highlighting a service line in the table, a grid containing Account-level service line information is displayed.

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The date of the transaction for the line item. This table includes descriptions of how the date is recorded for each activity code.

Activity Code
BALANCEThe date of the most recent activity on the SVCFE line item.
CLAIMThe date the claim was submitted to the payer.
GPYMTThe date the guarantor payment was posted.
MADJNThe date the adjustment was approved for a SVCFE line item adjustment. For a payment adjustment, the date is blank.
MADJPThe date the adjustment was approved for a SVCFE line item adjustment. For a payment adjustment, the date is blank.

The date the insurance payment was posted. All sub-entries for this activity use the date, for example, COINS (coinsurance), COPAY (copay), DEDUC (deductible), and WHOLD (withhold).

For the CWOFF (contractual write-off sub-entry), the date is the posted date of the parent IPYMT.

For the RCODE (reason code) sub-entry, the date is blank.

ONACCTThe date the on-account transaction was posted.
SVCFEThe date of service for the procedure.
Activity Type

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(pulled from Case)


The itemized activity associated with a service fee line item, which represents the billable medical procedure on a case. The SVCFE activity code is the parent to all activity for sub-entries that is recorded on the service fee line item and is a means for grouping this activity. Sub-entries on a service fee line item are recorded as independent activity codes according to the type of activity. Each sub-entry is nested under its parent activity code, as shown in the following example:

This example shows the parent SVCFE line item and sub-entry activities: IPYMT, MADJN, RVSUS.

A BALANCE entry represents the end of the grouping.


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YesDetails of an AR account activity. The first line is the service fee (SVCFE) line item for which the procedure is being billed. The SVCFE code indicates the parent of a single billable item on a case. Transaction activity recorded on the service fee line item is indented, as shown in the following example: 

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(pulled from Case)

YesThe name of the patient who received treatment on the case.

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(pulled from Case)


The amount billed on the procedure (SVCFE) line item. The following example shows the entries for a procedure billed for one provider:

If the procedure is being billed for multiple providers, this amount will be the calculated split amount and listed on separate SVCFE line items. If the payer is configured to allow charges for multiple providers to be billed on separate claims, individual SVCFE and CLAIM line items will be created for each claim.

The following example shows a 50/50 split between two providers billed on the same claim:


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The unpaid balance on the SVCFE line item or the credit balance on the ONACCT line item. The balance is color-coded based on financial responsibility. The following key shows the color coding:

GuarantorApplies to the unpaid balance for which the guarantor is responsible.
Credit BalanceApplies to the ONACCT activity code for which a payment has been received from a guarantor for a service fee that has not yet been billed.

Button Descriptions


Shortcut Keys


Step-By-Step Guides

Search[Alt] + [S]

To search and locate a specific On-Account credit balance.

  1. Click Search. The Search Criteria window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Click OK.
Account[Alt] + [A]To open the account associated with the On-Account credit balance. You may also double-click the service line in the table or click the hyperlink in the Act ID column.
  1. Select the account to review.
  2. Click Account. The Act: [ID] page opens.
Refund[Alt] + [U]To initiate a refund.Refunding Payments
View Attachment[Alt] + [M]

If an image is attached to the line item highlighted in the Active AR, this button is enabled.

To open the Image Viewer and display the image set containing the attached image(s).

  1. Select the provider.
  2. Click View Attachment. The Image Viewer page opens.

If the line item has any attachments, open the Set ID drop down list and select the attachment to view. If no attachments currently exist, a new attachment can be added to the line item by scanning or importing the image and attaching it.

Print[Alt] + [P]

To generate the Credit Balances - On Account report.

  • Click Print. The report is displayed in the default preview window.

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