Complete this task to update Case Error Check rules. Editable information includes the Type and the Active designation.

The Connect user must be granted the View/Update permissions for the Case Error Rules in order to make these changes.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the Case Error Check / Rules Configuration tab, select the rule to be edited. 

Multiple rules can be selected and updated simultaneously.


Click Update. The Update Rule Type window opens.

The Error Codes(s) displayed are the line item(s) that were selected for updating. The values cannot be modified.


Open the Rule Type dropdown list and select the correct value: Error or Warning.

4Click Save. The rule Type is updated and displayed in the Rules Configuration tab.
5Select or de-select the Active designation for a rule. If the checkbox is de-selected, the rule is no longer active and will not be included in a Case Error Check.

A rule cannot be deleted from Connect. If the rule is no longer valid, simply uncheck the Active checkbox to de-activate it.

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