Each Connect application/area is represented as a drop down option in the Topics field. To grant rights to the elements of an application, select that application/area, then check the boxes to assign applicable reports.

A checked box indicates viewing permissions have been granted to the report.


Available Reports

Back Office - Classic

AR Aging

Charge Batch

Charge Batch Log

Claim Viewer

ePreop Data Extract

Fides - Quality Data Collection

Financial Activity Summary

Guarantor Collection Tasks

Guarantor Statements

Insurance Collection Tasks

Insurance Followup

Payment Batch

Survey Vitals

Account Adjustment Analysis

Aging Analysis 

Anesthesia Minutes by Provider

Billed Charge Details

CAC Billed Charge Details

Case Summary Analysis

Charge Payment Payer Analysis

Claim Status

Credit Balances

Expected Insurance AR Summary

Expected Insurance AR Summary by DOS

External Collections Analysis

Facility Detail

Fee Schedule Analysis

Guarantor Collection Tasks

Insurance Collection Tasks

Insurance Followup Analysis

Misc. Income Analysis

On-Account Details

Paper Claim Options

Patient/Procedure Demographics

Patient Responsibility

Patient Responsibility by DOS

Payer Procedure Analysis

Payment Adjustments

Payment Details

Payment Plans

Payment Productivity

Payment Reversal Analysis

Payment Summary

Plan Detail

Practice Charge/Payment Analysis by CPT

Practice Performance

Practice Performance by Plan

Productivity Report

Provider Time Analysis

Referring Provider Detail

Refund Analysis

Responsible Balances

STD - Anesthesia Minutes by Provider (YTD)

STD - Anesthesia Units by Payer (YTD)

STD - AR Aging

STD - Billed Charges Financial Class Mix (YTD)

STD - Billed vs. Expected vs. Collected (YTD)

STD - Charge Payment Payer Analysis (YTD)

STD - Collected % of Billed (YTD)

STD - Collected % of Expected (YTD)

STD - Expected Aging by Payer and Plan (YTD)

STD - Expected Revenue by Facility, Payer, Plan (YTD)

STD - Financial Activity Summary

STD - Insurance Followup

STD - Payment Lag (YTD)

STD - Practice Performance (YTD)

STD - Rendering Provider Case Count (YTD)

Suspense Analysis

Transaction - Cases

Transaction Summary

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