Use this task to reset the password on a user account.
Step-By-Step Guide
Additional Information
From the Userspage, select the user account to create a new password.
Click Reset Password. The Reset Password window opens.
If Force password change on next login checkbox is selected, the user is forced to create a new password upon the next login.
For example, an admin creates a new temporary password for the user via Reset Password, but the user is required to create their new permanent password on the next login.
If a password policy change forces a password reset on login, the only applications that will support this change are Back Office and Portal. If the user is strictly a Mobile, Compensation, or Reportal user, they will need to utilize one of the other applications (Back Office or Portal) to change a password on login.
Enter the new unique password the user will use when logging into a Connect application in the New Password field.
The password must meet password requirements as set via the Password Policypage.
Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field as it was typed in the step above.
(Optional) Select the Show Password checkbox to display the text entered in the New Password / Confirm Password fields.
Use this functionality to confirm the text being entered for the password matches and is the desired values.
(Optional) Select the Force password change on next login checkbox to require the user to create a new password during their next login to the application.