Use this task to configure the facilities affiliated the practice.

The facility configuration includes information collected on the following tabs:

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information


General Facility Information Tab

From the Facilities page, click Create. The Facility: New page opens with the General Facility Information tab displayed.

2In the Facility Name and Address section, enter the name of the facility in the Facility Name field. 
3Enter of the street address for the facility in the Address line 1 and line 2, if applicable. 
4Enter the zip code for the facility in the Zip Code field.
The 9-digit zip code is required.
5(Optional) Enter the name of the city for the facility in the City field.
The City field auto-populates based on the value entered for the Zip Code field, but can be updated, if necessary
6(Optional) Open the State drop down list and select the state for the facility.
The State field auto-populates based on the value entered for the Zip Code field, but can be updated, if necessary
7(Optional) Enter the phone number for the facility in the Phone Number and Ext. fields. 
8(Optional) Enter the fax number for the facility in the Fax Number and Ext. fields. 

In the Identification section, enter the nine digit employer identification number in the EIN field.



Enter the state-issued license number in the State License Number field.

This is necessary to bill Medicare claims if the facility rendered services to patients in an Assisted Living Facility (designated on the case in charge entry) and the facility does not have an NPI number

11Enter the 10-digit Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act number for procedures related to laboratory tests in the CLIA Number field. 
12Open the Medicare Locality drop down list and select the geographic location indicator for Medicare claims. 
13(Optional) In the Billing section, select the Allow directed only CRNA services checkbox to allow users to enter a directed CRNA on the case without entering a directing provider. 

In the Practice Affiliations section, mark the checkboxes next to each practice with which the facility is affiliated.

If a facility is affiliated to a practice that is not listed, create the practice in Connect Back Office, and then return to this page and affiliate it.

Use the Select All/Select None button to check all boxes or clear all boxes, as necessary.


In the Place of Service Types section, mark the checkboxes to select each place of service type that applies to the facility.

Use the Select All/Select None button to check all boxes or clear all boxes, as necessary. 
16Click Apply.  

Affiliated Providers Tab

Click the Affiliated Providers tab to add or remove providers affiliated with the facility.


Select the relevant Filter options to specify which providers to view.

The Type options include:

  • Practice
  • Referring

The Providers options include:

  • All Providers
  • Affiliated Providers
  • Unaffiliated Providers 



19Select or deselect any checkbox in the Select field to affiliate or remove affiliation of a facility and provider.
  • From the All Providers filtered list, select the Select checkbox of any provider to affiliate to the facility. Once the box is checked, the provider appears in the Affiliated Providers filtered list.
  • In the Affiliated Providers filtered list, deselect the Select checkbox of any provider to remove it from the affiliated list and add it to the Unaffiliated Providers filtered list.
  • In the Unaffiliated Providers filtered list, select the Select checkbox of any provider to remove it from the unaffiliated list and add it to the Affiliated Providers filtered list.
  • To affiliate all providers with the facility, click Select All.
  • To clear all provider name affiliations, click Select None.


Click Apply. 


Facility NPI Numbers Tab

Click the Facility NPI Numbers tab to record or modify the general or place of service specific NPI numbers for the facility.


Select the Facility NPI Type.


If General is selected for the Facility NPI Type, then enter the NPI number to use for all place of service types in the General field.


If Place of Service specific is selected for the Facility NPI Type, then enter the NPI number for each applicable place of service in the associated NPI Number field.

24Click Apply.  
25Click Save to save and close the page.  






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