Use this task to record insurance information for new and existing persons who are patients, guarantors, or subscribers.

Step-By-Step Guide



Additional Information

1From the Create Insurance window, in the Insurance Information section, open the Payer drop down list and select the company providing insurance coverage.
Click to search for a payer.
2Open the Insurance Plan drop down list and select the plan providing insurance coverage.
The list of plans in the Insurance Plan drop down list are those associated with the payer selected in the step above.
3Open the Subscriber Type field and select the subscriber type.
4Open the Subscriber Name drop down list and select the subscriber.

Updating this field varies depending on the option selected in the Subscriber Type field in the step above.

  • If Patient is selected for the Subscriber Type, the Subscriber Name field defaults to <new person> and cannot be updated.
  • If Some Other Person is selected for the Subscriber Type, the Search Person window opens to search and select the person.
  • If Organization is selected for the Subscriber Type, the drop down list of organizations opens for selection. Alternately, click to open the Search Organization window and search for the organization.
5Enter the number issued by the payer for the person covered by the plan in the Subscriber ID field.

Subscriber ID must contain 3 characters, at minimum.

6Enter the number issued by the payer for the person covered by the plan in the Member ID field.

Member ID must contain 3 characters, at minimum.

7(Optional) Enter the number issued by the payer that identifies the company participating in the plan in the Group ID field.
8Open the Patient Relationship to Subscriber drop down list and select the relationship of the subscriber to the patient.
This field is disabled if the Subscriber Type is set to Patient.
9Select the Coverage Confirmed checkbox if the insurance has been verified.
10(Optional) Enter the insurance Effective Date.
11(Optional) Enter the insurance Expiration Date.

If applicable, add referral numbers:

  1. At the Referral Numbers tab, click Add. A new line item is added to the table.
  2. Enter the referral number in the Referral Number field for a specific treatment or series of treatments.
  3. Open the Effective drop down and select the effective date for the referral from the calendar.
  4. Open the Expiration drop down and select the expiration date for the referral from the calendar.
  5. Enter the number of Allowed Visits authorized for the referral treatment.
  6. Enter the number of Used Visits (completed) for the referral treatment.

13Click Save to save and close the window.

Click Save & Add Next to save the new insurance and open a new Create Insurance window.

Click Cancel to close the window without saving.

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