This task is used to update a claim hold's practice, facility, provider, payer, plan, or specified number of days.

Step-By-Step Guide



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From the Claim Holds page, select the claim hold to be modified.

The Practice filter at the top of the page can be used to select a practice and limit the records displayed to only those associated with that practice.

Click Update. The Claim Hold window opens with the selected claim hold's details populated.

Update the relevant information via the applicable steps below...


Open the necessary drop down list and select a value for the Practice, Facility, Provider, Payer, or Plan.

Practice is a required field. Claim holds must have a designated practice.

4Enter the Number of Days.


Click Save to save your changes and close the Claim Hold window. The updated claim hold is populated in the Claim Holds table.

Click Save & Add Next to save the updated claim hold and open a new Claim Hold window.

Click Cancel to close the window and not save the changes.

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