
The Create Account page is comprised of two tabs:

The Insurance tab is used to record insurance information for the patient, guarantor, or subscriber for which you are creating an account.

There are two sections to the page: Active Insurance and Inactive Insurance.

How to Get Here?

To open the Insurance tab for new account:

From the Menus:
Via Shortcut Keys: 
  1. Open the File menu, select New, and then select Account
  2. From the Select Practice window, open the Practice and select the practice to associate the account
  3. Click OK
  4. Click the Insurance tab
  1. Press [Alt] + [F] + [N] + [A]
  2. Click the Insurance tab



Field Definitions






Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)


The order in which the payer has financial responsibility when there is more than one payer, for example, primary, secondary, tertiary 1, and tertiary 2. Each payer is identified by a number from 1 to 3, indicating the rank of the payer. The following numbers are used:

  • 1 - The payer is the primary insurance
  • 2 - The payer is the secondary insurance
  • 3 - The payer is the tertiary insurance 

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

YesThe name of the company that owns the plan to which claims are submitted.

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)


The name of the plan to which claims are submitted.

Payer ID

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

YesThe unique payer identification number.
Subscriber ID 

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

YesThe identification number of the insurance owner.
Member ID 

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)


The unique number issues by the payer to identify the patient who participates in a group plan.

Member IDs and Subscriber IDs can be the same or a different number based on whether the insurance company issues separate number to identify its participants. The member identification number is used by some payers to differentiate between the employee and the participating dependents, for example 00 might identify the employee and 01 might identify the spouse of the employee.

Group ID 

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

YesThe unique number issued by the payer to the owner of the insurance policy.
Effective Date

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

NoDate field used to designate the insurance effective date.
Expiration Date

Display Only

(pulled from created/updated Insurance)

NoDate field used to designate the insurance expiration date.

Button Descriptions




Step by Step Guides

Active Insurance Section

Add[Alt] + [A] To enter the details for the patient's insurance.Adding Insurance
Update[Alt] + [U] To modify the details for the patient's insurance.Editing Insurance
Expire [Alt] + [X] Moves the payer from Active Insurance to Inactive Insurance. Option is used to expire insurance coverage when it is no longer valid for a patient.Expiring Insurance
Inactive Insurance Section 

Reactivate [Alt] + [R] Make the insurance active for billing and updating. Moves the payer from Inactive Insurance to Active Insurance.Reactivating Inactive Insurance

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