The following is a list of adjustment codes that can be used to adjust a service fee line item:
Code | Description | Effect on Active AR |
BNKRU | Bankruptcy | Negative |
CHAR | Charity adjustment | Negative |
DECEA | Deceased patient | Negative |
DISPU | Disputed balance | Negative |
CPENA | Correct posting error negative adjustment | Negative |
HARD | Hardship write-off | Negative |
INTER | Insurance interest | Negative |
NOCON | No consent form | Negative |
SELF | Self-pay adjustment | Negative |
TIME | Timely filing | Negative |
PECNA | Posting error correction negative adjustment | Negative |
MRNA | Medical records negative adjustment | Negative |
CPEPA | Correct posting error positive adjustment | Positive |
INTOF | Interest offset | Positive |
REVWO | Reversed write-off | Positive |
RSELF | Reversed self-pay adjustment | Positive |
RTCK | Returned check fee | Positive |
RTIME | Reversed timely filing | Positive |
RVBKR | Reversed bankruptcy write-off | Positive |
INCRE | Increase adjustment account balance | Positive |
LFEE | Late Fee | Positive |
MRFND | Miscellaneous reversed adjustment | Negative |
GWOFF | Guarantor exempt from payment write-off | Negative |
INCRE | Increase/Adjust Account Balance | Positive |
INDG | Indigent Care | Negative |
PRCRT | Professional Courtesy Adjustment | Negative |
SBWO | Small Balance Write Off | Negative |
OLDRC | Recoupment from DOS in old billing system | Negative |
FNFEE | Facility Negotiated Fee | Negative |
MCDOFF | Medicaid Write Off | Negative |
IADJN | Insurance Negative Adjustment | Negative |
IADJP | Insurance Positive Adjustment | Positive |
NMNEC | Not Medically Necessary | Negative |
NOATH | No Authorization | Negative |
COMSN | Commission | Negative |
COMTB | Commission Takeback | Positive |
MCOFF | Medicare Write Off | Negative |
CHGDS | Charge Disallowed | Negative |
SAHFL | SAH Flat Rate Discount | Negative |
NAHFL | NAH Flat Rate Discount | Negative |
NOTEN | Provider Not Enrolled | Negative |
CMPLA | Compliance Adjustment | Negative |
COBAD | COB Adjustments | Negative |
BNDIN | Bundled/Incidental to Main Procedures | Negative |
SMBAL | Small Balance Credit | Positive |
SMCLM | Small Claims Filing Fee | Positive |
RECRD | Recording Fee | Positive |
PRSRV | Process Server Fee | Positive |
WRITX | Write of Execution Fee | Positive |
GRNSH | Continuing Garnish Fee | Positive |
PRMPY | Prompt Pay | Negative |
DECRS | Decrease/Adjust Account Balance | Negative |
NGFEE | Negotiated Fee | Negative |
FINAP | Financial Assistance Program | Negative |
STDBY | Standby Services | Negative |
BDWOF | Bad Debt Write Off | Negative |
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