The Image Set Search page allows you to search for a particular image set by its unique tag and to find the images in an image set.
Field Definitions
For an image set attached to a charge batch, all columns but Payment are applicable.
For an image set attached to a payment batch, all columns but Facility and DOS are applicable.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Batch ID | Read-only (System Generated) | Yes | The charge or payment batch identification number to which the image set is attached. |
Practice | Display Only (pulled from the Charge Batch) | Yes | The practice assigned to the charge batch. |
Facility | Display Only (pulled from the Charge Batch) | No | The facility assigned to the charge batch. |
DOS | Display Only (pulled from the Charge Batch) | No | The date of service assigned to the charge batch. |
Set | Read-only (System Generated) | Yes | The identification number of the image set. The set ID links to the image set in Image Viewer. |
Tags | Display Only (pulled from Image Viewer tags) | No | The unique name issued to the tag. |
Case | Display Only (pulled from the Case) | No | The identification number of the case to which the image set is attached. The Case ID links to the case in the charge batch. |
Payment | Display Only (pulled from the Payment Batch) | No | The identification number of the payment to which the image set is attached. The Payment ID links to the payment in the payment batch. |
Button Descriptions
Button | Shortcut Keys | Description | Step-By-Step Guides |
New Search | [Alt] + [S] | Initiate a new image set search. |