
The Change Password page is used to change your password for all CONNECT applications.

How to Get Here?

From the Menus:
  • Open the User menu and select Change Password.



Field Definitions





UsernameRead-onlyYesThe user name of the current login ID being used to access CONNECT.

Current Password

Free TextYesThe current password used to log into the CONNECT applications. 
New PasswordFree TextYes

The new password to log into the CONNECT applications. 

The new password must meet the password requirements set up via the Security > Password Policy page.

At a minimum, the password must have 6 characters.

The new password cannot be the same as your username.

The defined password policy requirements are displayed in a list below the Confirm Password field. The icon before each line item changes from red to green once the requirement is met.

Confirm PasswordFree TextYesValidates the text typed in the New Password field. This information must be typed exactly the same as the new password.





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