The Small Balance Writeoff page is used to view and post eligible small balance writeoffs.
Based on the criteria input in Admin > Practice: [ID] > Miscellaneous tab, this page displays all small balances that meet the following criteria:
Minimum number of days in guarantor responsibility
Include guarantor-responsible procedures with a balance less than the amount specified, but only if--
The account balance is less than the amount specified
Field Definitions
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Practice | Filter | Yes | Filter to select the practice for which balance is being written off. |
Minimum day responsible | Display Only (pulled from Admin > Practice: [ID] > Miscellaneous tab) | Yes | UPDATE |
Maximum procedure balance | Display Only (pulled from Admin > Practice: [ID] > Miscellaneous tab) | Yes | UPDATE |
Maximum account balance | Display Only (pulled from Admin > Practice: [ID] > Miscellaneous tab) | Yes | UPDATE |
Transaction code | Display Only (pulled from Admin > Practice: [ID] > Miscellaneous tab) | Yes | The transaction code to be posted to AR to reflect the small business writeoff transaction. |
Acct | Display Only | Yes | The account ID tied to the outstanding balance. Includes a hyperlink to the Act: [ID] page. |
Acct Balance | Display Only | Yes | The account's total outstanding balance. |
Guarantor | Display Only | Yes | The guarantor assigned to the balance. |
Patient | Display Only | Yes | The patient associated with the balance. |
CPT | Display Only | Yes | The CPT for the procedure associated with the balance. |
DOS | Display Only | Yes | The date of service associated with the balance. |
Qty | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
Billed | Display Only | Yes | The amount billed for the procedure associated with the balance. |
Balance | Display Only | Yes | The amount still outstanding, or not paid, for the procedure. |
Ins Pmt | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
CWOFF | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
Withhold | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
Adjust | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
Guar Pmt | Display Only | Yes | UPDATE |
Total Amount to be written off | Calculated Field | Yes | Sum total of the selected line items' Balance column. |
Button Descriptions
Button | Shortcut Keys | Description | Step-By-Step Guides |
Post | [Alt] + [P] | Post the writeoff transaction to AR. |