Accounting View

Date of Service View

Productivity View

Screen Component Definitions



View Selection

Dropdown list to change the view of the dashboard.

Options include:

  • Current Month - Accounting
  • Prior Month - Date of Service
  • Productivity
Manage DashboardOpens the Dashboard configuration sidebar. Dashboards may be created, customized, and set as default.
Save ButtonSaves any changes to the dashboard configuration settings.
Practice SelectionDropdown list to change the practice information being displayed in the dashboard. Select a different practice to update the dashboard display.
Timing Selection

Allows the user to change the time frame of the information displayed on the Dashboard. There is a Month drop down option that includes options:

  • Current
  • Previous
  • Custom

If Custom is selected, the Date field is enabled, allowing the user to select a specific month and year to view data.

Dashboard Widgets

Present relevant information for the selected practice. The available widgets change depending on the view selected. Available widgets include:

Current Month - Accounting

  1. Days in A/R (90 day trailing)
  2. Net Collection % (90 day trailing)
  3. % A/R > 90 Days
  4. Payer Mix (Charges)
  5. Payer Mix (Payments)
  6. MTD Metrics

Prior Month - Date of Service

  1. Anesthesia Minutes by Provider
  2. Anesthesia Units by Payer
  3. Rendering Provider Case Count
  4. Billed vs. Expected vs. Collected
  5. Payer Mix (Charges)
  6. Payer Mix (Payments)
  7. Charges/Payments - 13 Month Trailing


  • Charge Entry Productivity
  • Collector Entry Productivity
  • Payment Entry Productivity

Please see the Dashboard topic for additional information about the available widgets.

Legend Provides a breakdown of the information presented in a graphic. Clicking an item in the legend removes it from the graphic and then returns it to the graphic display upon clicking it again.
Expand/Collapse Click to expand or collapse the widget display on the dashboard.
Custom Criteria

If the Custom Criteria icon () is clicked within a widget, a criteria window opens for the specific widget, where criteria can be modified.

Example Criteria Window (will vary by widget):

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