
The Connect Portal Dashboard is available via the Dashboard tab. It provides a snapshot summary view for a selected practice. There are three pre-set views that provide different information: Current Month - Accounting, Prior Month - Date of Service and Productivity. Information is presented in various widgets.

Current Month - Accounting View




(click to enlarge graphic)
Days in A/R (90 day trailing)The number of days for which you have open balances in the A/R.

Net Collection % (90 day trailing)

The percentage of net receivables.

% A/R > 90 Days

The percentage of account receivables in A/R more than 90 days.

The widget does not include credit balances in its calculation.
Payer Mix (Charges) The breakdown of payers associated with the claims for the current month.
Payer Mix (Payments) The breakdown of payers associated with the payments for the current month.
MTD Metrics 

The Month to Date Metrics presents the following for the selected practice:

  • Count of Cases for the current, previous, and next months, along with a twelve month average
  • Amounts for the charges generated and payments received for the current, previous, and next months, along with a twelve month average 

Prior Month - Date of Service View




Anesthesia Minutes by ProviderA breakdown of the minutes per provider. The color coding indicates if the minutes are Directing, Directed, or Observing activity.
Anesthesia Units by PayerA breakdown of the anesthesia units charged per provider. The color coding indicates if the units are Base Units, Time Units, or Physical Status Units.
Rendering Provider Case CountA count of cases per rendering provider.
Billed vs. Expected vs. CollectedA breakdown of the billed, expected, and collected amounts per payer. The color coding indicates if the data amount is Billed, Expected, or Collected.
Payer Mix (Charges)The breakdown of payers associated with the claims for the prior month by dates of service.
Payer Mix (Payments) The breakdown of payers associated with the payments for the prior month by dates of service.

Productivity View




Charge Entry Productivity

A breakdown of charge entry productivity for the selected practice(s)

Clicking on a value bar in the widget opens the Detail page for the selection in the Charge Entry Productivity Detail report.
Payment Entry Productivity

A breakdown of payment activity for the selected practice(s). The color coding indicates if the activity is Check or Distribution related.

Clicking on a value bar in the widget opens the Detail page for the selection in the Payment Entry Productivity Detail report.
Collector Entry Productivity

A breakdown of collector activity for the selected practice(s). The color coding indicates if the activity is Guarantor or Insurance related.

Clicking on a value bar in the widget opens the Detail page for either the Guarantor Collection Action Details report or the Insurance Collection Actions Detail report. 

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