Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





This report analyzes monthly or daily transactions for a specified date range. It displays the monthly or daily transaction activity in summary format. Use this report to compare the totals in active AR for the current month/current year-to-date with the same month of the previous year/previous year-to-date. Report totals are based on year-to-date totals for the specified day for each year. You can get the transaction activity by monthly or daily summary. By default, this report is based on monthly activity for a specific day of month/day of year period. You can also filter the report for daily activity. For daily activity, the Accounting Begin Accounting Date Begin must not be the first day of the same month as the Accounting End Accounting Date End.

The data in this report is determined by the Accounting Dates configured for the practice. This option determines which dates are used for reporting financial transactions related to charges, payments, and adjustments (contractual write offs, insurance withholds, refunds, write offs and adjustments).

For charges, the practice can be configured to use Date of Service, Posted Date, or Accounting Date for reporting purposes.

  • If configured for Date of Services, charges are reported by date of service on the case.

  • If configured for Posted Date, charges are reported by the posted date of the charge.

  • If configured for Accounting Date, charges are reported by the specified accounting date entered on the charge batch.

For payments, the practice can be configured to use Posted Date or Accounting Date for reporting purposes.

  • If configured for Posted Date, payments are reported by the posted date of the payment.

  • If configured for Accounting Date, payments are reported by the specified accounting date entered on the payment batch. 

This report functions with the "classic" report functionality.







Output Options

CSV or Excel

titleHow to Get Here?

From Portal:
From Back Office:
  1. From the Reports tab, locate the Financial Activity Summary report.
  2. Click Edit for the report.
  3. Enter/select filter criteria on the Criteria page.
  4. Click Run Report.
  1. Open the Manage menu and select Reports.
  2. Click the Classic tab.
  3. From the Reports page > Classic tab, select the Financial Activity Summary report from the list of reports. 
  4. Click Run (or press [Alt] + [R]).
  5. Enter/select the filter criteria from the Report Criteria window.
  6. Click Run (or press [Alt] + [R]).


Sample Reports

(Click an image to enlarge)

Back Office


Field Definitions


Calculation Formula 


Current Month

The totals of the accounts receivable items for the current month.
Previous YM

The totals of the accounts receivable items for the same month of previous year.
Current YTD

The year-to-date totals of the accounts receivable items for the current year.
Previous YTD

The year-to-date totals of the accounts receivable items for the previous year.

AR Balance at Beginning of Period


The balance of the account at the beginning of the time period.

Charges Billed 

The amount billed for total charges for each service fee.
Payments to Line Items 

Total of payments received and applied to a service fee.
Payments Posted to On Account 

Total of payments received and applied to a guarantor account as a credit balance.
Contractual Write-off 

The disallowed amount entered on the payment, which is taken as a negative adjustment.
Insurance Withhold 

The amount being withheld by the payer, as indicated by the EOB.
Refunds from AR 

The sum of refund transactions directly reversed from guarantor or insurance payments.
MIsc Adjustments 

The sum of line item adjustments taken from the active AR or guarantor payment entry.
External Collections 

Indicates any amount of the case service fee line that is included in an external collections case. This field also includes the service fees transferred from External Collections to Account Receivable (EXTRF) transactions.
Net Activity Charges Billed – [Payments + (All Miscellaneous Transactions + Refunds)]

A sum of all the itemized transactions.

Payments include all insurance and guarantor payments, and on-account payments. Miscellaneous transactions include contractual write-offs, insurance withholds, and all miscellaneous adjustments. Refunds include all Refunds from AR. 

Ending Balance AR Balance at Beginning of Period + Net ActivityThe balance of the account at the end of the time period.
Days Production in AR 

Current month: Ending AR Balance / (Current Month Charges / # of Days Reported)

Current year: Ending AR Balance / (YTD Charges / # of Days Reported)

The number of days for which you have open balances in the AR.

Days Production in AR does not include the On Account Ending Balance. # of days reported is based on the actual number of days in the reporting period, which is specified in the Accounting Day End or DOS End filters.

Net Collection % (Payments to Line Items + Refunds from AR) / (Charges Billed + Contractual Writeoff)

The percentage of net receivables.


Payments Posted to Suspense 

Total of payments received and applied to the suspense repository. It is a non-AR distribution.
Payments Posted to Misc Income 

Total of payments received and applied to the miscellaneous income repository. It is a non-AR distribution.
Refunds from Suspense & Misc Income 

The sum of refund transactions directly reversed from suspense and miscellaneous income repositories.
External Collections

Balance at Beginning of Period 

The beginning balance of external collection transactions written off of the active AR.

The sum of services lines transferred off the active AR to external collections.
Payments Posted to External Collections 

The sum of payment distributions to external collection accounts.


The individual adjusted amounts on the service fee line.
Ending Balance 

The balance for external collection accounts at the end of the accounting period.

Total Payments Payments to Line Items + Payments Posted to On Account + Payments Posted to Suspense + Payments Posted to Misc Income + Payment Posted to External CollectionsThe sum of payments posted to the active AR and non-AR, combined.
Total Refunds Refunds from AR + Refunds from Suspense & Misc IncomeThe sum of refund transactions directly reversed from guarantor or insurance payments.

Available Report Filters





Accounting Date Begin / Accounting Date End

Drop DownYes

Filters transactions displayed by the selected time period

. Options include: Custom Date Range, Last # of Days, Today, Previous Day, Current Month, Previous Month, Current Year, and Previous Year.



If Custom Date Range is selected, the From and To fields are enabled to enter specific dates to run the query on.

If Last # of Days is selected, the Last # of Days field is enabled to enter a specific number of days to run the query on.

The maximum timespan for the report is 366 days.

Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Group By

Drop DownYes 

These groups allow for arbitrary selection of up to three variables.

  • Displays all transactions that carry the Primary group attribute, then;

  • Filters within the Primary group those transactions that carry the Secondary group attribute, and;

  • Filters within the Secondary group those transactions that carry the Tertiary group attribute


    When the financial activity is grouped by None, transactions not associated with a particular facility or provider are shown for every facility or provider.

    When the financial activity is grouped by Facility or Provider, only those transactions associated with the particular facility or provider are shown for that facility or provider. Transactions not associated with a particular facility or provider are shown as None for the facility or provider, as applicable.

Show External CollectionsCheckboxNoIf selected, External Collections transactions are included in the report output. By default, the option is not selected
WarningThe maximum timespan for the report is 366 days


List SelectionYes

Filters by all practices or one or more practices for which charges were billed. By default, this filter is set to All.



List SelectionYes

Filters by all


facilities or by one or more


facilities for which transactions were posted. By default, this filter is set to All.



List SelectionYes

Filters by all


providers or by one or more


providers for which transactions were posted. By default, this filter is set to All.


Financial Classes

List SelectionYes

Filters by all


transaction financial classes or by one or more

payers for

financial classes by which transactions were


classified. By default


this filter is set to All.




Filters by all


payers or by one or more


payers for which transactions were posted. By default, this filter is set to All.

Financial Class



Filters by all

transaction financial classes

plans or by one or more

financial classes by

plans for which transactions were


posted. By default, this filter is set to All.

Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Group By

Drop DownYes 

These groups allow for arbitrary selection of up to three variables.

  • Displays all transactions that carry the Primary group attribute, then;

  • Filters within the Primary group those transactions that carry the Secondary group attribute, and;

  • Filters within the Secondary group  those transactions that carry the Tertiary group attribute


    When the financial activity is grouped by None, transactions not associated with a particular facility or provider are shown for every facility or provider.

    When the financial activity is grouped by Facility or Provider, only those transactions associated with the particular facility or provider are shown for that facility or provider. Transactions not associated with a particular facility or provider are shown as None for the facility or provider, as applicable.

Output OptionsRadio SelectionYesThere are three output options available for the reports: View/Print, CSV, Excel, PDF. By default, the View/Print option is selected for the report.


titleRelated Topics


Reports (Portal)



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